Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Swapping - it feels the same...

I'm talking about bicycles.  I ride my e-bike almost every morning, weather permitting.  It's good for the hip, the heart, and a bit of mental floss: time to think about taking on the day.  Joan doesn't ride hers as often.  As a result, my bike has done more miles, had more battery recharges, shows more wear on those fat tires.  Still runs great 4+ years after we got them.

To even things out with the wear, this morning we swapped bikes.  That isn't a matter of just "I'm going to ride your bike today"... I have my bike set up just the way I like it, as does Joan.  So, I swapped out seats, adjusted the hand-grips, and moved my phone holder to the other bike.  What at it, I lubed up both bikes.

Getting on, it feels just the same.  They are the same model bikes (SSR Trail Vipers).  Mine is red, hers is black.  Yes, the same way we had it with our PCXes.  So, now I have a black e-bike and a black Vespa.  Well, I'm going to ride a black e-bike, but it's still hers.

It was quiet riding around the resort this morning.  Weekday.  It makes a difference.  Warm, sunny, humid; not much wind.  You have to get the ride in before "the heat of the day."  Yeah, it was 82º when I got up this morning.  Only supposed to get to 86º... not much of a temperature swing from day to night around here.

And the beat goes on.


Speaking of the beat - it has been quite a while since Mark and I have done any recording together.  He has been working with LogicProX and getting used to a new MIDI controlled keyboard; I have been putting out the occasional "stayin' at home" video, with just guitar and vocal.  We were talking via FaceTime last night and Mark asked if I'd record something and send some tracks his way.

He said, "Record something that makes you smile."  Being a smartass, I considered the Chicago song Make Me Smile, but that would be a lot of horn work on his part.  Instead, I laid down a few tracks for a Van Morrison song, Wild Night.  Here's a video excerpt of me working on a vocal track with the Spire Studio...


It's a work in progress.


Hudson River Boater said...

Talk'n about your Hip-- Have you watched that Grays Anatomy episode?

AS always-- Sounds good..

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Hi HRB. No, I haven't watched Grays Anatomy in years. When it comes to hip discussion, I am more about this...


Hudson River Boater said...

Yes-- That is Hip..

Anyways-- Glad you're doing well.. I knew one guy that had to have his Replacement Hip Replaced-- He got messed up with Pills.. O.D.ed @ 64-- Dead.. What a shame-- He seemed to be doing well last I saw him too..

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

My goal is to live until I die. I took the pain pills for a couple weeks, but weened myself off them right away. For me, those provide very little pain relief but give me all the unpleasant side-effects. No issue with wanting to stay on those.