Sunday, June 28, 2020

We have arrived!

Cue the music: "Movin' on up, to the eastside..."

If you said, "The opening theme song to the TV show The Jeffersons, which ran from 1975 to 1985, sung by DuBois," you get 500 bonus points.

This morning's sunrise...

We lounged in, knowing we didn't have to check out until 11:00 and had a short trip ahead of us.  Rufus even got some leash time, but their grass wasn't great.

We drove straight through today, from last night's RV park to Hart Ranch.  All 15 miles of it.  We unhooked the CR-V and trailer from the coach and drove separate.  Rufus rode with me in the coach...

He asked, "Did we leave Momma behind?  I kinda liked her.  We should get another Momma right away."

 "No, Rufus, your Momma is right behind us.  I won't tell her what you said."

The motorhome pulls away like a sports car without the circus train behind us.  The rear camera doesn't look the same without the Honda and cargo trailer back there...

There is a security stop as you come into the resort, where they check to make sure you have your membership card, your driver's license, and the registration to your vehicle.  Normally, you go to the Lodge and check in there at the front desk... not now.  You open a box at the door to the Lodge and pull out your registration packet.  Then, go to your site.

We have been owner/members here for almost 30 years, so we know our way around.  Joan pulled into the site with the Honda, with the cargo trailer in tow.  We disconnect the trailer and back the CR-V out of the site.  I back the Aspect into the site.  Joan pulls the Honda on the site.  We are in.

That scene above will look a lot more "moved in" when we get all set up.

Then, the "settling in": getting utilities hooked up, jacks down, slide outs deployed.  On to the cargo trailer where we unstrap the scoots and roll them out.  No time for a ride today, be we take out the uprights from the chock and start arranging the trailer to be a portable garage instead of rolling storage.  The e-bike comes out of the car and gets set up.  Patio chairs - 3, one for each of us.  Yes, Rufus gets his own chair.

I took the scoots to the guard shack to get entry bands put on our mirror stalks - with those on, the guard will wave you right through, so no need to go through the "license, registration, and membership card" routine each time.  While I was doing that, Joan continued getting the patio set up.  It is a warm one today - we worked methodically, but had to sit and enjoy the shade for a moment every now and then.

When we were at a stopping point, Joan suggested we go to Popeye's for a chicken sandwich and pick up a few things we need for the coach at Menard's.  Popeye's was a fiasco - after waiting in the drive up line for 20 minutes, we were told it would be another 20 minutes before they could have a chicken sandwich ready.  I was invested at that point, so I said, "Yes, we still want the chicken sandwiches."

I was absolutely appalled when we got to the drive up window and not a single employee in the place was wearing a mask or gloves.  If I die because these inconsiderate assholes touched my chicken sandwich, I am going to be pissed.  Along with a couple other cars, we had to "step aside" while they all breathed on our sandwiches.  They only missed the 20 minute mark by 20% and when the moron boy brought our sandwiches, he gave us the wrong ones!  The people in the car next to us order theirs without mayo and the kid didn't say that until he had handed the food to us!  "Oh, sorry."  He pissed off all of us.  I don't often fill out a survey when I get a receipt from a fast(??) food place, but I did on this one.  What restaurant or fast food place does NOT use masks and gloves in these days of the pandemic?  Answer: this damn Popeye's that we will never go to again.

From there, it was off to Menard's.  That went better because we mostly help ourselves.  Then, off to a car wash... after driving through plenty of rain on the way here, then a day of wind filled with dust in Kansas, the poor CR-V was filthy.  Embarrassingly so.  "Think the expensive wash will get the grub off?"  It was worth a shot.

And finally, as the afternoon is slipping away, back to the coach.  We are both tired.  But, glad to be here.  Rufus, too.  When I finish writing this, we will take him out on the patio and see if he remembers how good it is at Hart Ranch.

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