Monday, June 8, 2020


Last year at this time, I was focused: I was going to get my hip better, and I was going to ride my scoot.  I kinda heard: "Oh, no, you aren't," from several sources.  Day by day, I built up the distance I was able to walk, essentially increasing it by about 100 feet per day... three times a day.  While it was about 6 weeks from the cutting to the first time I made that short ride from the house to the mailboxes.  Perhaps not a big deal in the grande scheme of things... but it was big for me: it was the first time since the surgery that I could see that I may actually get back to being relatively normal.

Oh, sure - insert your favorite "Jim thinks he's normal??" comment here.  But, making that first short ride gave me hope that I would be riding some great roads before long.

That was the incentive for me.  But, back to the walking... it was hot, but I wasn't outside that long for my three daily walks.  For some reason - and it may be the pandemic, the life changes we are all dealing with - but, it seems hotter than usual, earlier than usual.  Today, there is a heat advisory for the whole Rio Grande Valley.  While 10º cooler here at the coast, our "feels like" temperature is approaching 100º.  It is going to be hotter tomorrow and Wednesday... "feels like" 115º in some parts of the Valley.

Joan went to the grocery store early this morning; as in: before 8:00.  While she was gone, I cranked up my THR amp to enjoy some crunchy electric guitar sounds.  Rufus came in and said, "This isn't your usual sound."

"No, my furry boy, this is your Daddy rockin' out!"

I was still playing when Joan got back from the store; she said, "Don't stop - I enjoy hearing you play electric."  Nice of her to say, but I did bring it down a bit from "11" (rock 'n roll joke).  I went out to the kitchen to see what all she bought at the store.

It was already 86º and 75% humidity.  No plan for either of us to get out and about the rest of the day.

Early this afternoon, I took Rufus out so he could put his face in the grass.  He is always anxious to do that... not today.  He took one step out the door and said, "Son of a bitch!" then turned immediately around, wanting to go back inside.

I asked him, "Are you sure?  Don't you want to chew on some grass?"

He said, "Dude, you are in shorts - I am wearing a thick fur coat!  Damn right I'm sure!"  I know he means business when he calls me "Dude."

It is unpleasantly hot out there.  We rolled down the hurricane shutters on the west facing side of the house... even though there is a covered deck out there, you can feel the heat coming through the dual pane windows and glass door.

I didn't get out early enough for my morning bicycle ride; I guess I'll be exercising indoors today.  And tomorrow.  And the next day.  We are stocked up, and not planning to go anywhere for a while.

Baby, it's hot outside!


Joan has been working on another quilting project: this one is a cactus wall hanging for Steph and Dan...

The tan border isn't there - that is my cropping, with the quilt on the Corian® kitchen island.  You also can't see the stitching detail in that photo, so here is a cropped piece, with the density lightened so you can see some of the detail in the black...

Maybe.  Depends on your viewing screen.  It is vibrant and gorgeous!  Lots of love (and time) into this.  It should look great on their wall.


Hudson River Boater said...

The Quilt looks FAB-- I would hang it on our Wall..

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Already on the way to AZ. ;-)