Saturday, June 13, 2020

One year ago today...

Not from a Facebook memory - this one marked a moment in time.  It was my first day back on a scoot after the hip surgery last year...

Once I had ridden to the owners' mailboxes, It felt like my recovery was truly underway.  I also started working on the plan in my head: get north and do some serious riding.  You just have to get your head in it.

Right now, my head is in it, once again.  Less than a week before we hook up the circus train to do it again.

Yesterday and today have been a respite: a few degrees cooler than the past couple weeks, and pleasantly lower humidity... this morning, the humidity was only 56% when I got up.  For those in drier climates, that might seem high.  It isn't unusual for our morning humidity to be approaching 90%... this really is a delight.  After my bike ride, Joan had fruit plates ready for us, out on the deck; it has been weeks since the heat and/or humidity have allowed that.

The makings of a nice weekend.

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