Thursday, June 4, 2020

It isn't the heat, it's...

Holy shit - it IS the heat and the humidity!!

So, I had a plan: let's go out to our storage unit, bring the boat trailer home, and I'll clean the bugs off the front of the motorhome... that we didn't have time to clean because any "non-essential" travel in our county got locked down the very day we got home!

To bring you up to date - or maybe backdating a bit - we did the world's fastest motorhome unloading and took it immediately to our storage unit.  There wasn't time to give it a bath.  We have had rain off and on the last 10 days or so; today was predicted to be the first day in a week with only a 20% chance of rain.  Seemed like a good idea to get the coach washed.

Bringing the boat trailer home?  Yeah, thanks for asking.  I plan to pull it out tomorrow, weather permitting; get it cleaned up and put away in our storage unit.  We are planning to get out of here for a while in a few weeks, and I am ready to move on from messing with the boat for a while.  In the meantime, if I need a water outing, I can toss a kayak in.  Who am I kidding - I'll be fine looking at th water from our deck or when I cross the bridge to get off the island.

Back to the task at hand: Joan was sweeping the storage unit and got the boat trailer hooked up to the Honda, while I was washing the motorhome.  Those bugs have been on there since we got home, but having the coach stored inside kept them from getting baked on.  Still, I had more bugs on there than my 10th grade biology class bug collection.  Out in the blazing sun.  With a temperature around 88ยบ and the humidity around a gazillion percent, it results in a "feels like" temperature of... The Gates of Hell!

I wore a wide brim hat, cool-max long sleeve shirt, and drank plenty of water.  By the time I was done, my legs were a bit wobbly and my feet felt like I was wearing cement overshoes.  I took a few minutes to sit in the driver's seat of the motorhome, where we had the generator running and the a/c on.  It helped... but I still felt a bit shaky.

We put the motorhome away, and headed out with the boat trailer in tow.  Joan had some refreshing apple slices for us.  Some Ritz crackers to add some salt.  And plenty of water and soda.  And the a/c in the Honda cranked way up.

I feel for those who have to work outside in this humidity.  I don't much want to go out on my scoot or the boat when it is like this.  What's that word you're looking for?  Oh, yeah: candy-ass.  I'm OK with that.

No, I have no photos.  First of all: who wants to see an old guy sweating like a farm animal?  That's right - no one.  And secondly: pretty sure the camera lens on my phone would have fogged over if I would have pulled it out.  ;-)

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