Friday, June 26, 2020

It's been how long?

Today is the 8th day we've been out.  It seems like a lot longer than that.  Of course, the first 5 days were just getting away from home and spending time in Austin, waiting for the Vespa dealer to be open (they are closed Sunday and Monday); Tuesday was our scheduled appointment.

Since then, we have been rolling ever northward.  Last night in Kansas, tonight in Nebraska.  If all goes well, we will be in the Black Hills tomorrow, but can't check into Hart Ranch until Sunday.  Yes, we made that reservation almost two months ago.  Working that far in advance, a lot of things have to line up.  So far, it has been working.

This morning, as we pulled onto the Interstate, it started to rain...

Good thing, because our rig wasn't quite dirty enough.  The rain wasn't heavy - certainly not enough to rinse off the layer of dust we gathered yesterday and last night.

The rain didn't last long.  Most folks think of Kansas as being flat.  They would be right.  But, the rolling hills don't recognize state borders - there are some hills in Kansas...

No, it isn't mountain vistas, but the hills do break up the flats.  Turning west on I-70, we went from a headwind to a crosswind.  It also breaks up the driving through the flats.  Joan went back to heat up some cinnamon rolls that she made yesterday...

She sat to give Rufus some attention.  You move around in the coach while underway?  Thanks for asking... yes.  We are careful, but all motorhomers use the facilities of the rig while underway - it's one of the reasons we switched from a 5th wheel back to a motorhome again.  She turned on the generator and used the convection oven to heat up the rolls.  Then, cut them into bite-size pieces, and we shared them while going down the road.

Rufus then shared the love, sitting on my lap...

It was nice - he hasn't sat on my lap much this trip.  I used to put a pad across my legs so he'd have something more level to sit on... but, he has gotten much bigger, and barely fits between me and the steering wheel.  I don't thing I've mentioned this before, but he is such a good boy!  And, a great traveler.

We turned onto a two lane to make our move from I-80 to I-70... and also move from Kansas into Nebraska...

We came up on some road construction that had us stopped for a couple minutes...

No big deal.  We were soon rolling again.  Then, a turn to the west on I-80.  Lots of traffic on this stretch, and no big cities.  We are kinda doing the 3/3 Rule right now: travel about 300 miles, try to get off the road by 3:00.  Once again, we had reservations.  The check-in process was different from yesterday's "all by text" - today, I went into the office and the two ladies working there were behind plexiglass... kinda like "Zoltar."  It went quick; I verified that we were in a long pull through... the lady told me, "That site is 70 feet long."

Not the first time I've heard that.  We are 64 feet total length, and are edge-to-edge in the site.  Not sure how they measure their sites (at a diagonal maybe?), but I measure our length from the front bumper of the coach to the back of the cargo trailer.  I am absolutely sure we did not stretch our length since I measured.

This is what I would call an "old-timey" campground.  The gravel sites are narrow - Joan had to get out to make sure our trailer would clear as we were coming around a tight corner (it was blind to me after starting the turn).  Oh, sure, it has trees and some sparse grass... I would prefer to have a paved site and no concern about fitting under trees.  I haven't "walked it out," but I expect it to be tight on our way out in the morning, as well.

In the meantime, we are down for the day and settling in.  Over-night.  Rufus and I are chilling now; Joan made us a snack when we got in and is planning supper; it's all good.

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