Wednesday, June 17, 2020

To mask or not to mask...

In yesterday's post, I mentioned that our Governor was not making an order for people to wear masks in public... even though Mayors of cities like San Antonio, Houston, and Dallas were asking for that order.  Cities cannot supersede an order by the Governor.  The Governor actually said, "We don't want to get to the situation where someone gets arrested for not wearing a mask."  He still recommended that people wear a mask in public.

The issue locally: cases and hospitalization for Covid-19 is increasing at a rate faster than before the "stay at home" orders that went into effect April 2nd.  County officials are concerned - since they can't require that everyone wear a mask while in public (that would be contrary to the Governor's orders), they are instead requiring every business in the county to require staff and customers in their store wear a mask.

That is not in violation of the Governor's orders, and I have no doubt it is going to piss off a lot of residents.  There are a lot of people here who are militant against anyone wearing a mask.  The more moderate ones say: "You can wear a mask if you want, but don't tell me how to live my life."

With the nearly exponential increase in cases, I don't understand why anyone would think the mask wearing and social distancing would have any downside.  Not surprisingly, cases are increasing fastest in the 20 to 40 age group... the demographic that is most opposed to wearing a mask, social distancing, or limiting the number of people in any given business.

Looking back, I used this same title in early April - back when the concern was "to flatten the curve."  The curve did turn into a plateau, but that is not the same as a decrease.  And now, since restrictions have been eased (what does that timing tell you?), that curve is going up far worse than in early April.  With crowds on the beach, big house parties, bars and restaurants not limiting occupancy, this was expected.  So many people behaved as though the pandemic was over.

It isn't.


In the meantime, we are plugging away with "the process." 


Kent said...

Any plans as to were you will point the RV?

Yes-- We all knew the Curve would go back up..

Bob said...

Nevada is holding pretty tight, the casinos now are required to mask up in most areas. We know that we did not "beat the beast". We are a long way from a stable life much less victory. For those of us who went through the Polio vaccine mess, we know that some things should not be hurried. First is not always best. Hope the next road trip gives us all some fun "sights thru your lens". Bob Jarrard