Saturday, June 27, 2020

That's fast!

No, not the way we drive with the double tow.

Back in the day, we were excited if an RV park had level sites and cable TV.  While most parks these days do have cable, it seems their customers expect decent wifi.  Again, most parks now have some sort of wifi, but going by the reviews people leave, most are disappointed with the park's wifi.

It isn't an issue for us - we bring our own.  My phone is our hotspot and we can run all our devices with it.  Most of the time, it is considerably faster than what the park offers for wifi.  Down for the day today: I am getting 60mg download, 10mg upload.  Nice!

We left North Platte this morning - our earliest time out this trip... about 30 miles down the road, we crossed into the Mountain Time Zone.  We made a stop at the Walmart at Ogallala, NE.  Joan went in to pick up a few things so we won't have to go shopping as soon as we get to Hart Ranch.  Well, that was the plan, but this Walmart was smaller than most and didn't have all she wanted.

It is all two-lane from here.  This part of Nebraska is the western part of the Sandhills.  A reasonably pretty drive, but thumpy road.

It gets even hillier between Alliance and Chadron...

The Walmart in Chadron was nicer and better stocked; they were not as busy, and had lots of available parking...

I guess we were a bit of an oddity there: one guy in a Tahoe circled us twice, then stopped where he would be blocking me from pulling forward.  When he saw me come to the driver's seat, he circled again, then stopped behind our cargo trailer.  I got out of the coach and started walking that direction, and he moved again.  That's the white SUV in the photo above.  I guess he was just curious.

When Joan came out with the hard stuff, Caffeine-Free Diet Coke for me, we put her bags in the coach and she put the stuff away while I went out to check the car.  Then, heading north again.

It wasn't long before we crossed the state line...

South Dakota - our former home and summer destination.  Not too far beyond that, we got our first view of the Black Hills (from a distance)...

We are staying in an RV park near Hart Ranch, since our reservation starts tomorrow.  In the meantime, we like to go in with full fuel, so we stopped at a gas station near Hot Springs.  It is a beautiful day, and this is close to Lake Angostura, and there is a BUNCH of traffic in and out of this place.  There is only one fuel pump where we will fit, so I had to wait for a guy in a pickup who had to send someone inside to pay for fuel.  Ever heard of a credit card??  When he moved, I pulled into place at the pump.  Our length limited us to this particular pump... and some dumbass pulled into a parking space in front of us... the only space that would be blocking us  from getting out.  Yes, there were plenty of other spaces available.  When he finally came sauntering out, sucking a Slurpy between his missing teeth, he went out of his way to take his dear sweet time before moving from that spot.  He checked his phone, looked at himself in the mirror (yes, asswipe, your hair is still greasy), sneered our way, started his piece of shit truck, then backed slower than anyone would think possible out of the spot.  Fun.

Heading out of there, it was only another 30 miles or so to our RV park stop for the day.  The ladies at the front desk were pleasant as could be.  I reserved a site long enough so we wouldn't have to unhook.  About 300 miles today, and this is the earliest we have stopped for the day.  I think all three of us are ready to kick back for a while.

Compare that site above with yesterday's post.  Some people might say that this site looks austere compared to that wooded site from yesterday.  I'll take a site like this one ANY day - nice and wide open; I didn't have to thread my way to the site.  Heavily wooded is over-rated for this RVer.  And I'll take level over rustic.  Tomorrow will be even better: Hart Ranch has double wide paved RV sites.  I'll let you know about the wifi.  ;-)

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