Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Inauguration Day...


No, still not about politics.  We watched a portion of the Inauguration ceremony this morning.  Biden's speech was hopeful and impassioned.  Regardless of your political leanings, I hope he is able to bring this country together.  The divisiveness has reached a boiling point and we have to decide if we are ready for a move towards more civility.  The President can call for it, but it is up to each individual to put it into action.  It is up to each political party to work for what is best for the country, and not make their end game the destruction of the other party.  The American people are weary... the political rancor, the changes in lifestyle brought about by the virus, the racial divide.  I don't speak for the American people, but I am ready for a change.

Perhaps with a new administration there will be better logistics with the vaccination situation?  Maybe those who feel disenfranchised can understand protest doesn't mean burning and looting?  Maybe those you don't agree with don't have to be considered... the enemy?

The news media will have to change.  Ruling by Twitter has proven to be a colossal shit show.  It will be a refreshing change if there will, indeed, be transparency in government.  So much has been made about the Georgia Senate race and the 50-50 division in the Senate... maybe those people who were elected to serve us will come to understand that doesn't mean shutting down our government to spite the other party?  Truly, I don't have a lot of faith in politicians, but the last decade plus has been more about harming the other party than doing good for the country.  It is time for a change.


Here's a change: last night and this morning, I recorded some more music tracks, this time for another video project that Joan and I will be working on.  Here's a preview...

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