Thursday, January 7, 2021

Off to see the Wizard...


And by "wizard," I mean: doctor.  And by "doctor," I mean: Rufus had his annual checkup at the vet today.  All is good - the boy is big, happy, and healthy.  I would almost describe him as a lean, mean, snuggle machine.  Lean?  Well, last year he weighed 16.8 pounds and Dr. Julie said he needed to lose some weight.  I cut back on his food portions and we do a couple walks on the leash each day.  Sometimes we walk a lot, more often it is a lot of standing for me while Rufus sniffs every blade of grass... because, apparently, each one smells different.  And sometimes we sniff the trees where every dog on the island has peed.  And by "we," I mean: just Rufus... I don't sniff any of that nature stuff.

Rufus is now a lean, just under 15 pound, big boy.  I was surprised.  Could be that I am getting weaker, 'cause I expected him to be up just a bit in weight... feels like it when I pick him up or when he walks on me.

Dr. Julie wasn't there today, so we got to meet the other vet, Dr. Lee.  She commented on how handsome Rufus is, so we like her.  ;-)  I asked about getting the carrier out to transport Ruf, but Joan said she'd just hold him on her lap.  The Covid protocol at the vet is: you call when you get there, then wait in your vehicle until someone comes to get you.  Rufus was looking all around while in the car...


As you'd expect, he was well-behaved in the car and in the vet's office, because... he's a good boy.  ;-)

We got back in time for his normal lunch schedule.  Then to Burger Fi for our lunch schedule.  Then out for a walk with the big furry boy.


I will hug Rufus a bit tighter this afternoon, when he and I take a nap.  We heard this morning that friends of ours lost their sweet furry girl, Gracie, on Tuesday morning.  We know that heartbreak.  Gracie was an Australian Shepard, with a great personality; loved to be with them out on their boat; or on the golf cart.  RIP Gracie.  My heart hurts for the family you leave behind.

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