Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Protestors Storm Capitol...


That's the headline on the national news.  We watched as protestors moved from in front of the Capitol Building, knocked down barricades, onto the steps of the Capitol, and then into the Capitol Building.  That is crazy... third world kinda stuff.

I don't get political on this blog, and this isn't intended to be.  There is a photo of a guy in Nancy's Pelosi's office, with his feet up on her desk.  That isn't political, it is criminal.  I'm all for the Constitutional right to gather and the right to protest peacefully.  That is criminal trespass.  Blatant disrespect.

My biggest concern of the whole election shit-show is coming to pass.  People, including the sitting President, refusing to accept the results of the election.  Yes, we saw it in 2016 when some people didn't want to accept the results of that election... resulting in riots.  It is both sides.  It is disregard for civility.  Both sides.  It is people who think their way is the only way, with no regard for the law.

My heart hurts for our country.  I am sickened by the fact that there are people out there (did I mention: both sides) who think they can bully their way over legal proceedings.  People who think force trumps (yes, I know what I did there) all.

The country is divided like no time that I can remember.  I don't know how to make it better when some people have so little regard.

Congress needs to certify the election.  They have to show that the rule of law still stands.  There needs to be bipartisan cooperation to bring this country back together.

The more I see of this kind of human behavior, the more I like my cat.

1 comment:

Bob said...

Yup - our pets should be in charge - it could not be much worse. You are looking much stronger - glad to see the healing and adjusting moving along. Bob Jarrard
PS: My Chihuahua ChaCha would make a great VP!