Friday, January 22, 2021

Son of a Son of a Sailor...


Joan shot the last bit of video this morning for this project.  Another "Stayin' at Home" video, but this time with "a full band"... well, a one-man band.  A fun project, playing each part, doing each vocal track, mixing the music, then doing the video production.  It keeps me off the streets.

Click below for the video, a cover of the Jimmy Buffett song Son of a Son of a Sailor...

I started with a guitar track on the Spire Studio.  Then, one-by-one, added bass, drums, electric guitar, and 3 vocal tracks.

Hope you enjoy this one; I had fun making it.


Jeff Collingwood said...

Loved it, Jim, really enjoyed watching it. Great red shirt too. You are very talented.

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Thanks, Jeff; I appreciate the kind words. I used to wear aloha shirts all the time - I thought I'd break one out for the bass player. ;-)