Friday, January 1, 2021

Happy New Year!


A quiet one around our house last night.  Well, quiet inside the house - plenty of fireworks going off on our island.  Yes, even though there is a "No Fireworks" policy here.  Some pets get worked up, Rufus looked up once when something made a big bang close to us, but he is generally indifferent to the noise.

We did stay up to watch the ball drop... the one in Times Square, not referring to my nether region.  Pretty odd without a crowd; again, referring to Times Square.

I signed both of us up for getting the vaccine yesterday.  No idea when it will happen.  So far, there are about 4,000 who have been vaccinated in the Rio Grande Valley, based on the number of doses received from both approved vaccines.  They will let us know when our names come up in the queue.  In the meantime, we'll start 2021 the way we ended 2020: masking up when in public, keeping our distance, and frequent hand washing.

Good riddance to 2020.  Looking ahead, as always.  I just really want to hug my kid.


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