Monday, March 29, 2021



Not talking about the vaccine.  This is about the last month's big freeze.  Riding my bike around the resort since the freeze, you notice the brown... at first, it was the flowers and the rubber trees.  Then, some of the smaller palm trees.  Now, the tropical evergreen trees - I call 'em "Dr. Seuss trees" because they sure don't look like the Ponderosa Pines from the northland.  I think they may be some form of a Norfolk Island Pine, but they are cool looking.  Well, the ones around here are showing a lot of brown, and after yesterday's wind and rain, at lot of that brown is all over the streets and yards.

On this gray day, it's hard for the camera to pick up the brown in that tree (behind the palm tree).  Whatever the tree to the right was looks bare, as well; it's generally green year 'round.  The grass that went brown is back to mostly green again.  The hibiscus and another small palm at our place look like goners to me, but Joan cut them back and thinks they'll come around...

We'll see.  According to the calendar and the Vernal Equinox, spring has arrived.  I'll be anxious to see how all this recovers.


It was a bit "spitty" out today.  The rain happened yesterday, this didn't amount to anything, but it was damp outside when Rufus and I went out for a walk.  Chilly, with a northeast wind, as well.  Rufus needed to stretch out and relax after being out in the cold...

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