Friday, March 12, 2021

Happy Birthday...


... to our sweet girl!  It seems to happen every year around this time.  I think back to the night she was born.  The nurse brought her out and said, "It's a girl!"  She looked more like a slime-baby... you'd think they would have cleaned her up just a bit.  But, I digress.  Life hasn't been the same since.  In a good way, of course.  ;-)

We'll get to talk later, but today is a work day for her.  The last day before their spring break.  After having parent conferences all week.  She's going to need some time off.

This is the first time in quite a few years that we haven't been there with her for her birthday.  A lot of "not together firsts" this past year.  We are so looking forward to getting to see them soon; over Easter.

Happy Birthday, Stephanie!  We can't be with you in person today, but we hold you close in our hearts. 



Zen and the Art of Bicycle Maintenance...

Joan decided she was going to start riding her bike again.  Good for her.  It has been a while.  In fact, I swapped bikes with her last year to try to even out the wear, since my bike had about 5 times as many miles on it (I ride almost every morning).

We got the bikes out and she started lubing things while I topped off tires.  Looked over brakes and gears.  General clean up.  Made some seat and handlebar adjustments.  Put her phone holder on.  She's ready to go...

She took it for a short test ride, more adjustments, then she was off for a while...

She rode several miles for her first outing.  Rufus and I stayed in the air conditioning (I got my ride in this morning), so she could go as far and fast as she wants without any "coaching."

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