Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Another "World Premier Music Video"...


Mark and I started this one with the idea of another parody in mind: people staying at home, and not having a "Wild Night."  As I got into the video clip assembling and editing, I thought better of it... seems that there are plenty of opinions about masks, distancing, big gatherings... I just didn't want to deal with people on either side of these issues.  We just want to make music.

The song is a cover of Van Morrison's Wild Night.  It's a good old song from my era, so the next one will likely be Mark's choice of a song from this century.  LOL

We started this one with tracks on the Spire Studio.  I did vocal tracks, guitar tracks (acoustic and electric), and drums; Mark added a bass track, electric guitar, and keyboards, including a saxophone and horn section synth tracks.  He moved it to a digital audio workstation, where he mixed the sound.  Sent the completed sound track to me, and I started working on video tracks.  With a general idea of what I thought the performance video should look like, I gave some shot suggestions to Mark and he put Cindy to work.  Then, the editing and cutting begins.  Having a few of these under my belt now, I have developed a work flow that puts it into hours instead of days.  Then, syncing all these different clips with the main music track.

And, the result is...

Let us know what you think.


Kenthefenceguy said...

I liked it, it’s fun to see great musicians having fun.

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Thanks, Ken. Mark and I have been making music together for a lot of years - you know we're still having fun with it.