Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Chicken War...


Not to be confused with the Pig War, which was a confrontation between the United States and The United Kingdom 1849 to determine who owned the San Juan Islands.  The only casualty of this conflict was a pig.  Both the United States and Britain had camps on San Juan Island for years.

What does that have to do with the Chicken War?  Thanks for asking, but how often does a guy get to talk about the Pig War if you aren't on San Juan Island?  But, this post isn't about that - the "Chicken War" is the fight between fast food outlets to get their share of the chicken sandwich sales.  Popeye's upped the conflict when they offered their chicken sandwich to compete with the perennial favorite: Chick-fil-A.

We have tried Popeye's, and they are good... but not Chick-fil-A good.  If you've read here, you are aware of my taste for the Chick-fil-A sandwich.  In the Port Isabel/South Padre Island area, we have neither - we have to go to Harlingen or Brownsville for either.  And, we have.  Regularly.

Today, I saw on Facebook that someone is bringing a Chick-fil-A food truck to South Padre Island!

Rumor on Facebook is it is already there on SPI - no confirmation of this by me.  Yet.  If true (and I read it on Facebook, so it must be true), this is going to save me a lot of gas money and miles.  ;-)

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