Friday, January 7, 2022

On and On...


If you said, "Stephen Bishop, 1977, from his debut album Careless," you get 50 bonus points.  If you asked, "Your dealings with Winnebago?" you are right on, but no bonus points.

Things came to a head this morning.  The guy filling in for the guy who is our service rep at Winnebago, wanted to hide behind his keyboard and try to deal with me via e-mail.  I insisted on being able to talk, so he couldn't conveniently leave out answering any of my questions.  It took him a while to work up to the phone call, but he did... I was fine until he repeatedly apologized for all the "misunderstandings"...

"First of all, don't apologize, just do your job - if you do what you're supposed to do, there should be no need to apologize.  Since you didn't do what you were supposed to do, you aren't sorry about it, just sorry you are being called on it..." and then I got good and mad.

They are trying to blame the new hood not being in on "supply line chains" - if they had ordered the hood and fenders when I made the appointment, there would have been no issue.  They dropped the ball.  Then did nothing to expedite things to make up for it.  If anything, they put us aside.

So, we have a new plan: we are going to pick up the motorhome at a date and time they set next week, and everything except the hood and fenders will be done.  I won't be paying them for the hood and fenders, and, at our convenience, we may set up another time to get those replaced.

They have not replaced the windshield.  We want that done before we pick up the coach.  So, I am waiting to get that time and date.


He promised.

We'll see.

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