Saturday, January 29, 2022

Sleeping triple in a double bed...


If you said, "The song by Barbara Mandrell, 1978," you get no bonus points.  Close, but that title was Sleeping Single In A Double Bed.

Settling in at John's place last night.  We have our own bedroom suite on a different level in the house.  The bed, however, is a double bed.  We are used to a queen size bed.  Rufus has plenty of room between us, down by our feet.  At home.  This was snug... especially so when Rufus decided to take "his half" entirely on my side.  We were all tired; we all dealt with it.

Rufus and John have hit it off nicely.  When my sister was alive, she always had cats, so John is certainly accustomed to their presence.  I don't think he was prepared for how sweet Rufus truly is.  And Rufus is having fun, looking all around the house.  We offered to keep Rufus in our room, but John has allowed him the run of the house... and he keeps commenting on how nice Rufus is... and how he thinks Rufus would like "spending the winter" with him.

"No!  Bad John!  Rufus stays with us!"  ;-)


The Dam Tour...

When Steph and I were here last month, John took us on the newly built dam on the family farm property.  John was the impetus behind that, and worked with the government from start up to the end of the project.  We enjoyed the tour, and John offered to take us out there again so Joan could see it...

 This time, we were able to bundle up and walk around the area.  We'll need to come back sometime when everything is green - it's a pretty, rural, setting.


What is this?

Rufus has been getting a good "work out" while here at John's - it's a flight of steps to get to our bedroom.  The big furry boy will sometimes get the momentum going and nearly go rolling by the time he gets to the bottom of the stairs.  Joan suggested an outdoor walk this afternoon.  I put on my winter coat and got Ruf leashed up to head out; he was anxious to look around when I opened the front door.  The street in front of John's house has traffic that is going by at a pretty good pace; well, compared to the 10 to 15 mph traffic on our island.  Rufus is not a big fan of cars going by, fairly close.  He handled it.

It was chilly in the shade, so we walked to the sunshine - that felt better.  I don't Rufus has been in the snow before.  45º outside, and what I call "Iowa snow"... it has had a chance to set up a bit, so is mostly crunchy, not soft and powdery.  He marched across the snow like it was just white colored ground...

Not sure what I was expecting - maybe some paw shaking or sniffing the snow - but, no, he just walked right out on it.  Didn't really pay that much attention to it, other than the fact it was covering the grass.  When he found some bare grass, I think he was disappointed that it was brown... and dry.  Nothing like the tasty green grass he is used to at home.  Still, a good outing for his first time walking about in an Iowa winter.

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