Thursday, March 17, 2022



If you said, "When two or more things come together to form a new whole," you get 20 bonus points... for having a good vocabulary... or having a dictionary (do people have those anymore?)... or using Google.  If you said, "Did you merge the Vespa GTS and the Honda CTX together to make a 700cc scooter?"... well, no, that's just silly.  But, apparently, I got for bikes that have a 3-letter model name; before the CTX and the two GTSs, there was a Honda PCX.

This convergence is what is happening the next few days: St. Patrick's Day, the full moon moon (which will happen at 1:20 am local time here on the 18th), and the Vernal Equinox (Sunday, the 20th).  Each of those things on their own tend to make people crazy (ask any bartender), but all 3 coming together over the next 3 days... the Crazy Train is leaving the station on Track 9.

If you're a binge drinker, we'll see you next week.  If you're an introvert, well, see you next week.  If you tend towards crazy behavior, this is your time to shine.  If you like to pick fights in public, this would be a good time to line up a friend with bail money.  If you're one who tends to inadvertently get caught in public fights, this might be a good time to stay home and binge watch something on Netflix.  If you are someone who shares your password on Netflix, this might be a good time to tell those you share with to get their own account... apparently, Netflix has announced that they will be cracking down on that.  And, if you are someone who reads this blog all the way through, you are now done with this installment.


We got out on the bikes this afternoon, Joan on her Xmax, me on my CTX.  No destination in mind, but Joan saw a lake area south of Buckeye that looked interesting on the map.  When we got to the turn for that lake, it was a couple miles of gravel - we decided to take a pass.  We rode up into that park we were in north of Buckeye last week, and Joan suggested a comparison shot: "You had the Vespa here last week, so this will be a good comparison..."

 Not exactly the same angle as when I had the Vespa here...

The CTX is significantly larger than the Vespa, even if you can't tell it so much in these photos...

Yes, I was intentionally standing in front of that fender-less front end on the Vespa.  My fender has been shipped, the Vespa dealer in Peoria is ready for us as soon as we get the fender in.  It will be nice to have that scoot looking good again.


We stopped at Tailgaters in Buckeye for lunch (hadn't seen that there before).  Still the best fried cheese curds I've ever had.  Then, back on the bikes for more riding and an eventual stop at Steph and Dan's, where they "gifted us" with a couple fancy cupcakes.  No, we never lose weight while we're here.  But, we do enjoy our time here!


I love a parade!

It's an RV park thing, I guess: any reason for a golf cart parade.  Lots of carts decorated in green this afternoon.  And some of them tossing out candy... since this is a 55+ resort, it wasn't kids who were the recipients of the sweet stuff.  And, while there was some "penny candy" (which probably goes for much more than that these days), there were some fun-size candy bars, too.  Happy St. Paddy's Day!

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