Tuesday, March 22, 2022

That ain't right...


Rufus likes routine.  When the routine gets interrupted or changed, he has to ponder on it for a bit.  Considering all the changes that come with motorhoming, he adapts just fine.  Probably better than me.

This morning, Joan decided she needed a change while I was out for my morning bicycle ride.  She has Rufus in his harness when I got back from my ride, so he and I went for a short walk.  It's always a short walk in the morning, because he knows there will be a morning treat after the walk.  Routine.

When Rufus and I came in, we both saw the change: Joan had swapped sides with the dinette... she was sitting on my side... my computer was moved to the other side.  Think that doesn't make a difference?  Try swapping sides of the bed (assuming you share a bed).  Rufus is used to sitting by my left side on the dinette seat or my right side where we have a pad on top of my electronics container.  I am used to sitting with my right elbow on that pad... or, I share the pad with Rufus (when he wants to look out the window).

Joan said, "My arm hurts this morning, I needed a change."  OK.  I slid into "the wrong side" of the dinette (before the hip replacement, it was always easier for me to lead with my right hip.  I commented that it didn't feel right... and Rufus isn't sure where to sit.  She said, "You two can handle the change - if you're going to ride a 'big boy bike', you need to be adaptable.

Big boy bike?  She's referring to my CTX vs the Vespa.  Although, to be accurate, the CTX sits lower than the Vespa.  But, I have no doubt that the CTX looks like "more machine" than the Vespa.

Rufus settled in on the pad by the window.  Facing the wrong way.  Routine.  He and I are big boys - we'll deal with it.  ;-)



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