Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Show me the way...


If you said, "Peter Frampton. 1975," you get 25 bonus points.  If you said, "Show me the (Seg)way?" you have some idea of what was on our agenda today.

This outing was Steph and Dan's choice: a Segway tour of Scottsdale.  None of us had been on a Segway before, but this company gives you some training before the tour begins.  The tour leader John asked, "Who's a little nervous about getting on a Segway?"  Joan raised her hand.  They took her first to demonstrate how a newbee can handle it.  I was next.  There were 12 people and two guides on our tour, so Joan and I had more time to practice than the others.

Signing up and getting started...


By the time Steph and Dan got on their Segways, Joan and I were running laps around the practice area and didn't get a photo of them mounting up.  With everyone on the tour checked out and ready to roll, we started out - single file...

They had a good set-up: each person got a helmet and an audio pack so we could hear the tour leader.  He told us about historic things, pointed out some public art, and recommended restaurants.  And when we stopped to look at things, John (tour leader) and Sarah (tail gunner and traffic control) offered to take photos of each group...

One stop in the middle to get off, look around, hit the potty, and rest your feet and knees... yes, there is physical effort and new muscle movements necessary to run one of these.  The guides did a good job of keeping everyone corralled and safe.  We were out for a couple hours, and while it was fun and interesting, some of us were good with being done and getting a different foot and leg position.

Our thanks to Steph and Dan for making the arrangements and treating us to this outing.  When we were done there, we went to one of the restaurants we saw on the tour (Mexican, of course) for a fine lunch.

It has been a warm one today, getting close to 90º.  I can't imagine they run these tours in the summer, when it is on the far side of 110º with regularity.  John told us how many days were over 100º typically in Scottsdale... I don't remember the number, but it seemed way too many to me.  ;-)

Here's a short video...

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