Sunday, March 6, 2022

Family time...


It's the reason we are here in Arizona: getting to spend time with Steph, Dan, and their kitties.  There is no lack of attention for the cats... 4 humans, 3 felines.

Of course, when we are at their house, it means Rufus spends time alone in the motorhome.  On Saturday, I drove back to the motorhome to get Rufus some supper, take him for a walk, and spend some time with our furry boy.  Today, we have a new plan: Rufus is going to come with us to Steph and Dan's house this morning; they are making a grill/griddle breakfast for us.  The plan is: they will put their cats in their bedroom and Rufus can sniff around on his own.  Last time we tried that, Rufus was new to the family and he didn't get a warm welcome from Steph's cats (who weren't locked in another room).

We'll see how this plays out.



Earl49 said...

Good luck! We had a tense meeting yesterday between cats and felt the need to break it up after five minutes before things could escalate. Lucy was suspicious but mostly calm. Duke was not doing well, with ail fluffed and threatening demeanor. We speculate that he is still not sure this is "his home" and feels the need to defend. (Who knows what goes on inside a kitty brain?) Today we'll go to Home Depot to look at an outside security screen door for one bedroom. That way kitties can see, air can flow, and whoever is not in there has free run of the house. Baby steps....

Hi to Dan and Steph, and of course Rufus... cause he's a good boy.

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Hi Earl - as you may have read on Sunday's post, we took Rufus to Steph and Dan's house... they put their kitties in their bedroom, but there was some posturing on either side of the door. Nothing ugly, though. We'll try that again.

Hope the screen door works for you.

Earl49 said...

It worked well last night. When Duke was tired of being confined to a bedroom, he wandered the house while Lucy slept with me. He looked in through the new screen door and meowed for several minutes, which did not bother either of us. Then he got tired and moved on.

Some people reading this might think we are crazy going to such lengths.... they are probably dog people. Alice has really bonded strongly with Duke (who is a good boy) while Lucy has certainly earned her peaceful retirement (she's a good girl). So we do whatever is necessary to let them work it out amicably. Someday we will be able to take all this stuff down, and I'll have to spackle screw holes and touch up some paint. But peace will be worth it.

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Hi Earl - that sounds very promising. So glad you are being patient while the kitties work out the living arrangements. I know the 4 of you will be happy together.