Seems like it has been a full day, and it's only 1:30 pm.
I slept in today. Really. I didn't wake up until 7:30. Of course, my internal clock is still getting over being on Arizona time, so it thinks it's 5:30. But, the sun coming in around our window blinds was a give away before I ever looked at the clock.
With my morning tasks done (first order of business is getting Rufus his breakfast, unless you want him wrestling you to the ground), I got out for a bicycle ride. Upper 70s and windy; gusting into the mid-20s.
When I got back from my ride, Joan asked if I wanted to make breakfast tacos on the griddle. "Why, yes, I do." That's a step up, because I made breakfast for one the other day. Joan did the food prep while I got things ready outside. The wind is coming right down the canal, so I had some concerns about keeping the griddle lit, but it did fine. In the tacos: eggs, cheese, sausage, hash browns, tortillas. I got going...
Joan and Steph were amazed that I wanted to do some cooking. For decades, I have not liked cooking because I had to cook for myself when I was a kid. And, anything Joan cooks tastes way better than if I cook the same thing. Grilling has been the exception. But, after Steph and Dan got their Blackstone Griddle, I wanted to give it a try. Early on with this, we agreed that it would be best if Joan would do the prep, I would be the griddlemeister.
I am learning timing - I put the hashbrowns on first, then the sausage, and finished with the eggs, and put the tortillas on for a little heating. Joan assembled the tacos inside. I'm calling this a successful meal. I cleaned the griddle while Joan started on the dishes. Teamwork.
We showered and got ready for the rest of the day. First stop was at Rufus's vet. The Revolution stuff to keep fleas and ticks at bay has been in short supply. And roughly doubled in price. We picked up a 6-month supply. The big furry boy like to go out for his walks, so he has to be protected.
Then to Walgreens where we filled out paperwork and got poked: the second Covid booster (that makes 4 shots now) and pneumonia shots. We had appointments so got in ahead of the guy in front of us who took up all three chairs in the waiting area. Kharma.
Joan winced when getting one of the shots (being the gentleman I am, I let her go first); I didn't hardly feel it. Now, we have a couple days with nothing on the agenda... we both felt a general malaise after the first booster.
From there, it was off to vote: early voting in our county, with several proposals that will directly affect us, the main one being a bond issue to update the infrastructure (water, sewer, and roads) on our island... 18 million dollars. There has been a lot of discussion about this in our island community, with people having very strong opinions both for and against. There are between 300 and 400 people who are residents on our island and registered to vote... they (we) will make the decision on this bond issue that will affect 1,048 residences.

And finally, back home. Waiting for us at our front door: an electric weed eater that Joan ordered. "I though your lawn care was taken care of with your HOA dues?" you ask. You are correct. But, this time of year, the people doing the lawn service only get around to us every two to three weeks... the grass is fine, but the weeds grow... well, like weeds. The weeds were tall when we got home on Monday; Joan was not happy with how that little bit of lawn we have looks, so she ordered this weed eater. The lawn service just mowed this morning, so the weed eater won't get used today.
Just like the griddle is my domain, I am keeping hands off the weed eater - that is all Joan. One of the big draws for moving here years ago was not having to do any lawn care myself. And if the lawn service would use some weedkiller, there would be no reason to buy a weed eater. But, Joan seems happy with her new tool, and that's what counts.
Rufus, however, was upset this morning when we went out for our walk and he saw that they had moved the grass (including the weeds)... "They ruined it! I missed my grass while we were in Arizona, and they cut it all down! Whaaahh!" I assured him it would grow back... really fast with that rain we had on Tuesday. "But, I want it NOW!"
In the words of the philosopher, Mick Jagger: "You can't always get what you want..." Rufus said, "He can kiss my furry cat as-"
"Rufus - be a good boy!"
I thought I might take the CTX out for a ride this afternoon... maybe I'll do a nap instead.
Back to the griddle for supper: Joan marinated steak bites today. I put them on the griddle along with some mushrooms and a bit of garlic butter; Joan made a side of a cheesy potato bake to go with it. Tasty!
I'm feeling a griddling video may happen one of these days. ;-)
I will probably top of this day by taking Ruf for a walk... if he's up to going out in the wind.