Thursday, April 14, 2022

Cruising in the Desert...


There is no song for that, so... no bonus points.  I was feeling the need for a bit longer ride, Joan was onboard, so after setting Rufus's automatic feeder, we shoved off in the cool of the morning.  Delightful!

Trying to avoid I-10 west due to construction and lane closure back ups, we went hither and yon across the desert south and west of Buckeye to get to the road that takes you to Wickenburg.  Yes, we rode this road (English is a fun language) right after I first got the CTX.  We knew what to expect with 65 miles of less than interesting roads to get to 30 miles or so interesting curvy roads.  We knew that the cattle guards would be abruptly lumpy (say that fast five times).  But, it is pretty much the closest we are to some decent riding.

We made one stop to drink some water (it is important to stay hydrated in the desert) and get a couple photos with the phone...

There were curves on that road above.  Really.  Lots of desert out there, not much else...

Contrary to what you might think, Joan is not wearing chaps in that photo above - that is the mirror from her bike in the crotchular area.  You had to look again, didn't ya?

Through the curves and on into Wickenburg.  We took Highway 60 back towards the Phoenix area, bailed off on Loop 303 and stopped for a late lunch at Tailgaters - where they have the best fried cheese curds in this area.  Perhaps the entire southwest.

Back to the motorhome - traffic along the way once back into civilization was thick; the beginning of a holiday weekend.  Just after I put my bike away, Joan let me know there was an Amazon package waiting for us at Steph and Dan's house.  I took her scoot to pick it up... it's for me.  Well, for my bike.  I ordered a windshield extension (similar premise to the Laminar Lip I had on the Vespa) for the CTX.  The windshield on this bike does a fine job, but I am looking for a bit less wind noise if that's possible.  I usually ride with ear protection (either molded ear plugs or Apple Airpod Pro earbuds); the less wind noise, the better.

I opened the package when I got back to the motorhome - not much in the way of installation instructions: you'd think it would be self-explanatory.  It wasn't.  I looked over the parts for about 15 minutes, determining what might fit where; partially assembled it and...

Looks like it fits.  I didn't get a chance to test it out; Steph called just after I finished mounting it, and they are coming back on their way home from work.  We had a nice visit - they are off for the next 4 days (aforementioned holiday weekend) and we made some plans, mostly based around meals.  :-)

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