Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Life In the Fast Lane...


Sure to make you lose your mind.

If you said, "The Eagles, written by Joe Walsh, Glenn Frey and Don Henley in 1977, and released in 1978," you get 30 bonus points.  If you additionally said, "From their 5th album, Hotel California," you get an additional 20 bonus points.  If you are thinking, "Well, what's he going to tell us about now?" you get no bonus points, but I like the way you think.

We had some running to do today.  It should have been fast and easy, but the roads were crowded, mostly due to road construction and other drivers who don't understand what a green light means, shoppers in every store we were in who arranged themselves in clumps (rhymes with "stumps") to make it nearly impossible to get by on any given aisle.  There was nothing fast about any lane we were in - on the road or at the checkout line.  We had a couple things to return, and a couple more to get... on the bright side, we got it done.

Before heading out for that errand running, I did get out for a ride this morning.  Joan's Xmax was out (under the cover), so I decided to take that.  Since I did raise the windshield position yesterday, I thought it would be a good opportunity to check that out... there are wind warnings all over Arizona today, lots of blowing dirt here in the Valley of the Sun.  I kept my ride reasonably short; partly because of the building wind, and mostly because we had stuff to do.  I hope Joan will like the windshield position - it definitely moves the wind flow up, so it should be quieter riding for her. 

"So, you left Joan's bike out last night, so your Honda could be out of the wind today?" you ask.  I am hurt that you think that.  I was tired after pushing bikes in and out of the trailer yesterday, so when we got to a point where drilling and bolting was necessary, we had run out of light.  My bike was already in the trailer, Joan said to leave hers out and put the cover on it.

It was about 3:00pm when we got back from our errands.  Joan was going to do laundry, but we found there was no water (city water) when we got back to the motorhome.  My goal was to get that second chock and frame bolted down in the cargo trailer.  I went to work on that.

It was unpleasant in the wind - it was whipping around the back side of the cargo trailer.  Joan had the position of the chock marked from yesterday.  I drilled the holes in the floor and inserted threaded sleeves to hold the bolts in place; washers and lock nuts will be put on under the floor.

It took me a couple hours to get that done, clean up the sawdust, and move things that had been rearranged in the trailer to give us access.  I rolled Joan's bike into the trailer and... it all fits.  Both bikes can be in there tonight, since the wind isn't supposed to let up for a while.

 There is still some room in the nose for stuff, but I think we are maxed out on room for bikes.  For those not familiar with the CTX and the Xmax, that is Joan's Xmax on the right, my CTX on the left.  You sit a bit higher on the Xmax (31.5" seat height) compared to the CTX (28.3" seat height).  The CTX is a bit longer and heavier.  Both bikes are highway capable and fun to ride.  And, (Whew!) they both fit in the trailer.  ;-)


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