Saturday, January 14, 2023

Chicks dig a bike...


Well, I know Joan does, because she has her own bike (of the motorized variety).  There are some people that think a motorcycle (or a scooter) is a chick magnet.  Those people would be non-bike owners.  With the exception of the Vespa, it has only been guys who have shown any interest in any bike I've owned.  "Cool bike, man, how fast will it go?"  Vespas seem non-threatening, so I did occasionally have someone of the female persuasion ask about the bike.  And one lady at a stoplight who rolled down her window and asked if I ever take anyone with me on the Vespa.  I told her, "Well, my wife has her own bike, and she'd rather ride that than ride 2-up."  I didn't even get to use my "she doesn't let me date" line.  ;-)

That said, I had to laugh at this meme on Facebook today...

 It made me laugh.  If you think I'm wrong, look at any of my Sturgis videos from last year - the male to female ratio is about 20:1, and that is in a place with mostly Harleys.

So, if you're thinking about getting a bike to meet women, you'd be better off to join a book club.


After seeing the above, Joan asked me to find one about women riders.  This is what I came up with...

Then, I found this one...

And turned it into this...

Because everybody digs the biker chick.  (It's been a while since I used my Photoshop skills.)  ;-)

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