Friday, January 20, 2023

Them Changes...


If you said, "Buddy Miles, 1970," you get 20 bonus points.  If you said, "Hey, wasn't that generally your opening song when you were in the Flippers?" you must be a real stalker.  But, yes, it was.

Today's changes: motorcycle and guitar.  No, I didn't buy or sell any of each.  I stealthily changed oil on the CTX this morning.  "Stealthily?" you ask.  Yes, and thanks for asking... we're not supposed to do any "car repairs" in our driveway... I think that is something from our ever-changing rules to keep from having your driveway look like a junkyard.  I could be wrong.  Don't think I am, though.

Fresh oil coursing through the veins of that Honda.  It is a happy bike.

After that, I came inside and asked Joan if we are still on for lunch out at the nearby Mexican restaurant.


I asked, "When do you want to go?"

She said, "About 15 minutes ago.  It took you a lot longer to change the oil than I thought."

I said, "OK, I'll clean up quick and we can go.  And for the record, a neighbor came by and I got caught out there.  I didn't know you were starving."

In and out of the shower, dressed and ready to head out.  Lunch was good and fast.  Back home, and another change: the T5 (Taylor guitar) that came out of the case yesterday needed a fresh set of strings.  Old strings off, clean and dress the frets and fretboard, and a fresh set of Elixir Electric Optiweb strings on.  The T5 is kind of a cross between an acoustic and an electric guitar - it has 5 position pickup controls, but it uses bridge pins (like an acoustic) to set the strings.  There are other guitars now that bridge the acoustic/electric, but this was an impressive bit of guitar technology in its day and still an outstanding guitar today.

Most of the time on my acoustics, the strings settle in quickly.  This took some playing, string bending, and retuning to get the strings to settle in.  Maybe tomorrow, I'll give it some playing time while plugged in.  What a nice guitar!


And, the really important stuff: Rufus sitting on the back of the couch (on his pad) watching the string change, looking rather regal...

From Joan's phone (above), and mine (below)...

He's a good boy!

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