Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Making a difference...


"So, Jim, you decided to run for office?"


"You're donating your brain to science?"

Well, I've been told it hasn't been overworked... but, no.

All this good eating, drinking plenty of water, and getting exercise is paying off.  A doctor visit today; my A1C is back to normal, blood glucose is good, all the other results of the blood test have shown that I am doing fine.  The PSA is low enough to be considered "virtually undetectable."  The doctor did not use the qualifier "for a man your age" when he said I was "doing good."  I'll take that.

We did other stuff today - the doctor visit was near the end of our time "inland."  Sam's Club, lunch at my buddy Freddie's, and a stock up on Rufus food at PetSmart.  Then, out to the motorhome, where it swallowed up another Equinox load of stuff.  When I was done putting away my clothes and shoes, I got to watch TV while Joan made stuff disappear into storage areas.

Rufus had to eat from a timer for his 5:00 meal (and an afternoon snack).  Not a hardship, but he is used to our company throughout the day.  It was 6:00 when we got home, and there was a lot of leg rubbing... you can figure out who and who's legs.

We're right on schedule.

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