Monday, January 16, 2023

Morning Stretch...


No, not me.  I get my morning exercise in by taking Rufus for a walk, then getting out on my bicycle.  I think some kind of a morning stretch routine might be a good thing... then I sit down until that feeling passes.  ;-)

Years ago, we did a "morning stretch" routine based on a VHS tape called Tropical Stretch that we picked up in Hawaii.  Why did we stop doing that?  Oh, yeah, who has a tape player these days?  For that matter, who still has a DVD player? *

But, I digress.

Rufus likes to do his daily stretching exercises.  He is particularly good with "downward dog."  From last night...

And, this morning, after a walk and a treat...

While he does downward dog really well, he is especially good with "napping cat."  I could get into that routine.

* I found this on the internet (the stretch routine we used to do)...


While Ruf and I were out for our evening walk...

He was a bit crestfallen - 4 people walked past us (the other direction), only one commented, "Cool cat!", but no one stopped to pet him or tell him how handsome he is.  One couple walked around us with a dog and paid no attention to Rufus, or the fact that their dog was quite interested; in fact they walked to the other side of the street.

"It's OK, buddy," I told him, "some people don't stop to smell the roses or pet the Rufus.  It isn't you - you're a good boy."


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