Sunday, May 28, 2023

A Feat of Daring Do...


And how often do you get to use that phrase?  Actually, the phrase is "feats of derring do."  The expression logically should be “feats of daring-do” because that's just what it means: deeds of extreme daring. But through a chain of misunderstandings explained in the Oxford English Dictionary, the standard form evolved with the unusual spelling “derring-do,” and “daring-do” is an error.

I'm going with the error.

"What was your daring do feat, Jim?"  Thanks for asking.  We generally cocoon here on holiday weekends.  Once off our island, traffic can get crazy, with all the people heading to the beach.  Yesterday, there was an accident on the causeway that closed the eastbound (heading to the island) traffic for several hours.  At 2:00 in the afternoon.  On a holiday weekend Saturday.  Traffic was backed up for miles.

Even boat traffic on the water gets crowded.  And there's a lot of water out there.

My feat of daring do: I got out on my motorcycle.  Road across the causeway.  Around SPI.  On a holiday weekend.  I'm no dummy: I got out early this morning, and was back home by 8:30.  The riding was good: mostly overcast, so it wasn't hot out (77º feels really good when riding).  Most people were still in bed - the condo, motel, and hotel parking lots were full.  Plenty of small fishing boats out as I rode across the causeway.  I got caught for a few minutes at the bridge onto our island, while two small fishing boats went through...

 When I got home and put the bike away, as soon as I opened the front door, Rufus came bounding out - he was ready for his morning walk.  Joan already had put his harness on him, so I just had to clip on the leash, after I followed him outside.

We walked around while Ruf checked out grass, the neighbor's grass and the neighbor's grass beyond that.  This time of year, the sand burrs are in their "little yellow flower" stage, which means we'll have those nasty burrs in a couple weeks.  Then, there are these...

 I think that is a Mimosa pudica (by looking it up from the photo) - that variety of plant is supposed to be "shy," meaning it closes up when touched.  I tried it on this one... nope, it's prickly to the touch.  Seems like another nasty burr to me.  No, I did not let Rufus get close to it.

I have mentioned that Rufus and I communicate pretty well.  I left that small folding bike beside the cargo trailer... that's a "route" he likes to walk.  When heading towards that bike, I said to him, "I can't get through there - we need to go around."  He stopped, looked at the bike, looked at me, then turned and went the long way around the trailer.  The boy understands me.  He's a good boy.  :-)


The Memorial Day Golf Cart Parade...

It was supposed to happen at noon, but got postponed to 3:00 - rain delay.  Lots of flags and red/white/blue decorations.  Unlike other golf cart parades, there was no hollering "Happy Memorial Day" while they were going by.  I was glad to see that people understand the reason for this holiday.  Some of the carts...


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