Friday, May 19, 2023



If you said, "How low can you go!" followed by, "Chubby Checker, Harry Belafonte, and a few others who got on that limbo bandwagon around 1962 or so," you get 15 bonus points.  If you think I am going to limbo my way under a low held stick, you have more faith in my old bones than I do.

No, this limbo is where we've been, waiting for the buyers of our house to get through all the paperwork necessary to get a VA loan.  And they've had to deal with house issues up in the frozen northland.  We did the contract for a closing date of May 25th, and it looks like that is going to happen.  Of course, I will consider this all to be a done deal when the money exchanges and the house goes into their names.  But, after hearing from them yesterday, we are less in that limbo-land.  Moving forward.

The rainy weather has moved on, even though there is a chance for some precip this weekend.  It was warm, humid, and sunny this morning, though.  I got out on my bicycle, made an additional reservation for our summer out, sprayed for bugs and weeds, then got out on my motorcycle.

I always report in to Joan when I get back from my ride, telling her if there were any "Stupid Driver Tricks" while I was out riding.  And there are almost always SDTs to report.  The most egregious was a couple days ago when a cement truck exceeding the speed limit blew through a red light!  Fortunately, there was no one going through the intersection on the green or they would have been flattened.  This was at the stop light before the causeway, where I frequently see vehicles running the red light.

Today, the only "Oh, shit!" moment happened when I was three blocks from home.  I came to a stop at the 4-way stop and a woman driving a golf cart going through the intersection on my right started her left turn, and the straw hat she was wearing started to blow back on her head... while reaching for the hat, she over reacted mid-turn and started coming right at me.  Head on!  I was stopped, so I couldn't back up; not enough time to reach for the horn button, so I hollered at her... LOUDLY!  She took the one remaining hand she had on the wheel OFF of the wheel!!?  Fortunately, she slammed on her brakes.  Then swerved back into the proper lane.

Seriously, it would have been really embarrassing to get taken off the road by a golf cart.  While I was at a complete stop.

It isn't just under-age people with no drivers license driving golf carts that are a hazard here.


Mean Drunk...

Me?  Some might not believe this, but I've never imbibed enough to get mean.  Talking about Rufus.  Joan bought him some kind of sticks that are supposed to be good for his teeth, but have a bit of catnip in them to get the cat "involved."  The directions said the cat may play with it for about 3 minutes, then move on.

I didn't put a stopwatch on it, but that seems about right.  Rufus went after it with gusto... swatted when Joan tried to pull it away from him, to "play" with him.  And right on schedule, he was done with it.  Then, it was nappy time...

Not his typical bright-eye look.  ;-)  You may remember from last summer at Hart Ranch where Rufus discovered some catnip growing wild.  He went after that stuff with a lot more enthusiasm than this "stick."  And he could home in on that spot when we were out walking.

We'll see if he comes back to this stick.


Earl49 said...

I recognize that "dazed and contented" glazed eyes look from catnip. We've had cats that just loved it and others who couldn't care less. I cannot picture Rufus being a mean drunk... he's such a good boy!

91° here today, first time in the 90's. I sat out on the porch swing with Duke after lunch until we both thought it was too warm and went back into the cool house. Maybe he'll let me get in a little guitar time now.

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Hi Earl. The only times I've seen Rufus "mean": when I wanted him to leave that patch of catnip at Hart Ranch, and one time while walking we came across what I assume was a feral cat. The other 99.99999996% of the time, he is a total sweetie.

91º there? Yep, that's warm. We haven't had a day in the 90s, yet, here at the coast. Helps to have that water to moderate the temps. That said, I'm guessing our 82º here "feels" a lot warmer than your 91º... it isn't a dry heat. ;-) Nice you got in some porch swing time; hope you got some guitar time, too.