Monday, May 15, 2023

Taking shape...


"So, you've been working out, Jim?" you ask.  I am crushed that you have to ask.  I am in shape... round is a shape. 

I'm talking about how things are progressing with the house build in Arizona... a big change in this last week (as shown in the progress photos Steph sends us each week).  We have stud walls and roof trusses...

This is the part of building process where it looks like a lot is happening, since it goes from dirt to some standing structure.  You can see the general shape taking place.  


Here we go again...

There are a bunch of songs with that title: by Ray Charles, Dolly Parton, The Weekend, Whitesnake (OK, that one is Here I Go Again)... if you mentioned any of those, you get 10 bonus points.  Of course, I'm talking about the weather.

We had a brief reprieve yesterday, with a lovely Mother's Day.  I griddled out twice, got in a bicycle and motorcycle ride.  Then, looking at the weather forecast last night, put down the hurricane shutters again... well, the ones that we had raised for the day.  Moderate to heavy rainfall overnight, with the occasional rumble of thunder (not as much as the last several storms).  Rufus didn't need much soothing, but at one point when the wind kicked up, he did get close and put his paw on my hand; I think he was soothing me.  Actually, I slept through most of it.

The hourly forecasts look like constant rain and thunderstorms for the rest of the week, but the percentages do drop a bit after Tuesday.


Earl49 said...

That's good progress on the AZ house. You likely won't miss the tornado / hurricane season once you are there.

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Dust storms, triple digit temps that last for months, and haboobs. Seems like every part of the country has stuff they have to deal with. Interestingly enough, there has historically never been a "tornado season" in south Texas - it is a rarity for that to occur here. One weather guy said, "The average for a tornado here is a bit less than one every two years." We've now seen three in the last month. Mother Nature is pissed about something.

We prepare for hurricane season by putting away anything that can become a projectile in the wind... which is essentially anything that isn't strapped down. The wind can bad - what is blowing in the wind does just as much damage.

So, we pay for hurricane insurance and hope we don't have to use it.

Earl49 said...

Yeah, everywhere has a mix of good & bad. Growing up in Michigan it was tough winters, hot & humid summers, and mosquitoes. In California it was earthquakes, drought years, then 100 year flooding two years in a row. In Alaska it was LONG winters, remoteness, mosquitoes the size of small birds, and… real earthquakes. It’s always something. You pick your balance of what is tolerable.

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Yep. What is "tolerable" for me is... wandering with the seasons to try to find that endless spring/summer. As evidenced by Mother Nature beating our motorhome and car to a pulp, we haven't always been successful in that endeavor.

We were in the desert once during the summer: it was July and we were on our way to the Pacific Northwest to take delivery of Wild Blue (the C-Dory). We stopped in Phoenix to spend a couple days with Steph and Dan. It was hotter than the gates of Hell!

When we left, we went west into California before turning north; stopped in Palm Springs area. I thought it was hot in Phoenix at 117º... it was 123º in Desert Hot Springs and when I got out of the truck, the soles of my shoes were sticking to the pavement! We thought we'd be smart and drive along the Pacific Coast Highway... I think the entire population of Los Angeles had gotten out of town to try to escape the heat and they all went to the PCH... bumper to bumper traffic for miles. It was miserable.

It was at that time that I proclaimed, "I will never live in the desert!" You can see how that worked out for me. Hopefully, we will be able to get away in the motorhome, like we do here in the Tropical Tip when my feet get itchy.