Wednesday, May 3, 2023

It's a Wet Heat...


We've all heard that "it's a dry heat" description when talking about the Arizona weather.  Here in the Tropical Tip, it is very different.  I was up early this morning, and just before 6:00, it was 76º and 83% humidity.  Didn't change much by the time I got out for a bicycle ride at 7:30... I opened the door and felt the warm, humid air.  I like it!  I took in a deep breath of that salt air.  Vitamin Sea.

Looking to the east while on my ride...

Those clouds aren't a sign of an incoming storm - that is typical low clouds that come with the humidity.  Being right on the water keeps our temperatures more moderate; from that low of 76º, today's high is expected to be 81º.  I'm good with not having big temperature fluctuations from day to night.  When that move to Arizona happens, I will miss this climate.  And this time of the year is quiet - we're between the winter and summer crowds.

If you see a dot in the sky, at the lighter part, in that photo above, that is the aerostat that the Coast Guard has up there, keeping an eye towards the border.

After my bicycle ride, I got out on the CTX.  No need for a jacket today; I geared up with my summer riding pants (mesh panels) and the mesh armored over-shirt...

I took a photo of just the CTX, too...

I enjoy my morning rides, timing it before the beach crowd gets out, and after the workers roll in.  The causeway is blissfully uncrowded.  Riding through town is relaxed with the light traffic.  And the breeze moving through my mesh gear feels good at this temperature and humidity.  Nice way to start my day.

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