Thursday, May 11, 2023



If you said, "Funk 49, James Gang, 1970," you get 40 bonus points.  But that's not the funk of today's post.  I'm generally a pretty upbeat guy.  All the crap in the news wore on me... the migrant surge at the border, the mass shooting at the Allen, Texas outlet mall, the guy who ran down a group of migrants in Brownsville, the local damage from this last storm... all this needless misery.

Joan could tell something was bothering me; she said, "I think we could both use some music therapy this morning - would you play some music and rock out for us?"  As always, she was right.  I turned on the Bose PA and did a solid set for my audience of her and Rufus.  And an hour later, we all felt better.  I made it a point to not watch any other news the rest of the day.

This morning, I was up early.  Slept good, went for a walk, then did my morning routine.  Then, out for an early morning motorcycle ride.  As in: heading out before 7:30.  Warm, humid, and breezy.  The wind felt good as it blew through my mesh gear.  I rode across the causeway and north up the island.  I couldn't ride by the Whaling Wall - the road is blocked off because there was extensive damage to the roof of the Convention Center from the storm.

Back down the island, then through the marina at the south end.  I promised Joan I'd take her to Mahi Nic's for lunch today and I wanted to be sure everything looked intact at the marina.  No issues.  I stopped for a photo...

A hazy morning, as you'd expect with the humidity.  I rode around the island a bit more, back across the causeway, then around town to the Fingers area (another canal community).  It was fun just looking around.  I enjoy time on the CTX... two wheel therapy!


A late lunch at Mahi Nic's was tasty...

Joan had the Mahi Tacos, I went for the fries (yes, there is a large helping of those delicious fries under that), topped with pulled pork, BBQ sauce, and queso cheese.  This is the "regular size" order, and I brought a bunch of it home.

When we got back home, Rufus was happy to see us...

Yes, that's his happy face.  Well, more like his "Is it time for a treat?" face.  He's a good boy.  ;-)


Earl49 said...

Watching the news is a sure say to get yourself into a funk. Avoiding the news entirely is the key to happiness. Since none of the events are within my control -- way above my pay grade as they say -- I find that the world somehow keeps turning without me hanging on every story. I'm sure that my high school current events teacher is rolling in her grave somewhere.

Back home again safely, but yesterday was a LONG 11 hour drive through the *Nevada National Strategic Sagebrush Reserve*. No connection with Kramster while in PHX, but otherwise everything else went great.

Enjoy those early morning rides around the island and the humidity. Soon enough they will become desert rides before the daily oven kicks on, and you'll forget what humidity was.

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Good to hear you are home. I found myself watching local weather and putting in airpods when the rest of it was on. Today was a good day. Not sure what happened in the rest of the world, but my little corner of the world was upbeat.

I was not aware of the NNSSR, but that may be because Texas tends to be independent in that regard: we have a massive reserve all across west Texas. If someone tries to corner the world market on sagebrush, scrub-brush, or tumbleweeds, we are covered.

Humidity or a dry heat? Something in between would be OK, too. Riding around this morning, all that water I pass over sure looked nice. When we were in AZ this winter, I had to wait until around noon before it was warm enough to ride. Timing.