Monday, May 15, 2023

Fighting City Hall...


Well, more like the County Appraisal District.  Our latest property appraisal (how they determine what we'll pay in property tax) was up 96%.  I guess I shouldn't complain too much, since the guy I was sitting next to while waiting to "protest" the appraisal this morning had in increase of over 1,500%!

Yeah, I waited in the temporary office that the Appraisal District set up for today and tomorrow in the Transportation Terminal (bus station) on SPI.  They had 3 people to take care of however many people were coming in to "protest."  I had to wait 2 1/2 hours before getting to talk to someone with the Appraisal District.

I had been coached on what to say: "I am over 65.  I have a homestead exemption.  This is my primary residence."  Then, shut up.  According to the Texas Tax Code, they cannot raise my appraisal by more than 10% per year.  Did I mention that they raised it 96%???  The guy admitted that "something isn't right with this"... no shit, Shakespeare.  And then he went on to try to convince me that it is OK because "everyone else around you had a similar increase in property value."

I asked, "Is that because whoever you sent out to do the appraisals didn't have a clue?"

"Well, there is something not right with this..." and then he said that my "protest" has been accepted.  That doesn't mean they will change anything, it just means that they will "look into it."  I'm considering it justifiable reason to protest this crazy increase.

I said nicely, "Well, have then look into the part where your appraisers are violating Texas Tax Code by increasing the value more than the allowed 10%... so violating state law."

When I parted company with the guy from the Appraisal District, he told me, "We are inundated right now, and I have 5 more days of these mobile protests to do, so it will be a while before I can look into it further."

"I trust that means you won't be so busy that you will just let it slide?" I asked.

"No, sir."

We'll see.

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