Sunday, May 14, 2023

Happy Mother's Day...


To paraphrase the bumper sticker: If you can read this, thank your Mother.  We all came into being due to a Mother.  Most of us are better people because of a Mother.

We had a nice visit on the phone with our daughter last night.  Her Mother and I love that kid so much.  Can she really be "a kid" when she is just a few years from retirement?  Yes, she is our kid.  A definite product of her Mother and me.  I see each of us in her.

She will call again today, because... it is what you do on Mother's Day.  That day when you celebrate the woman who gave you life.  Or, as it is in our family: every day.

I was looking at that lovely lady who is the Mother of our child last night.  Over the past week, I have been digitally copying a lifetime of photos.  I can still see in her that youngster I married.  She can be tough when necessary, yet caring.  She and I made a great kid.  The bond that the 3 of us have gets stronger with each passing year... how is that even possible?

The four of us (our son-in-law, Dan, included) are working towards a new chapter... something we are excited for. 

Happy Mother's Day to all the Mothers out there.  To the married Moms, the single Moms, and the Mister Moms.  This one day out of the year that the greeting card companies cash in is a nod to the admiration and respect that many of us feel every single day to be able to see a great Mom in action.

Joan, your daughter and I, and Rufus the cat, adore you.  Every day.


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