Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Another test: this time with the e-bike...


We had stuff to do today, but late this afternoon, I got out on my e-bike and shot some more clips with the new Hover Air X1 drone.  I used my Apple AirPods Pro to record the voice, and the latency with those wireless earbuds made it so the voice and lips don't match up.  I'll try a wired mic on the next test.

But, in the meantime, here's a look at what this little drone can do on its own...



Bob & Laurie Fritz said...

Jim, thanks for the nice review of the Hover X1, I've been looking for something small to go along with my wildlife videography/photography.
I've enjoyed the Black Hills blogs you've done this summer, sounds like maybe no more Hart Ranch for you and the wife? My brother in-law and his wife have a horse ranch near Piedmont so we get out there at least 5-6 times a year.
Good luck with the move to AZ, it's awesome you have such a great relationship with your kids to live that close. We live less than a block from our son and daughter here in Sioux Falls and we love it.
Have a great week and safe move.


Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Hi Bob. Thanks for the kind words. The Hover X1 is more of a "flying selfie camera" than a typical drone. The best thing about it is the ease of use.. the learning curve is not steep.

Joan and I are thinking there will be places out west that we want to visit - if we don't go back to Hart Ranch next summer, that isn't a "never going back" situation. We've had our membership there since the early 90s, and there have been periods of time we haven't used it. I have thoroughly enjoyed our time there the last 5 summers... well, except for the hail storms.

This move to Arizona is major to us. We really enjoy spending time with our daughter and son-in-law, so all 4 of us had to be onboard to commit to this NextGen home situation. That's a lot of *close* with two couples who have been used to not having family nearby. We're ready.

Thanks for the comments,