Thursday, September 14, 2023

Hey, it's good to be back home again...


Even if it is someone else's home.

If you said, "John Denver, 1974, from the album Back Home Again; CMA award for Denver for Song of the Year," you get 40 bonus points.

We are home.  Yes, I still got that "tingle in my stomach" as we got close.  I still consider the Tropical Tip home.  Our time here will be less than a month - plenty to get done and packed... and when we leave this time, it will be heading to our new home in Arizona.

The trip today was the first since we left South Dakota that we didn't get rained on.  It was hot and humid when we got to our storage unit... it may not have rained, but I could not have been wetter.  Schweddy balls, you ask?  (SNL reference)  Sweaty everything.  It was in the upper 90s in Harlingen (where our storage unit is), where we took the time to get some stuff out of the motorhome, leave one bike in the storage unit, and bring the cargo trailer back to the house with the Equinox.

Today, it was just the essentials that got moved.  There will be another trip out to the storage unit in the next day or three to clean out the rest of what needs to come back to the house.

There are rolling hills south of San Antonio; by the time you get close to the coast, the terrain get flat...

Blue sky, though - that's a nice change.  About 60 miles from home, the sight of palm trees along the freeway lets you know you are in the Tropical Tip...

Yep, that terrain is flat; and looking at the flag in that short clip, you can see we have a quartering headwind.  We have had a tailwind since leaving the Black Hills, until today.

Rufus napped on my lap while rolling, which has become his standard travel mode this trip...

"You woke me."

He sat on the console in the Equinox on the way home, looking around.  When we got home, the first order of business was moving his litter box in, then bringing him in.  I enjoy watching him look around the house after being in the motorhome for several months.

After getting stuff moved from the car and cargo trailer into the house, I got to sit for a few minutes (to write this blog post) - the furry boy is laying on the back of my chair, big-time purring.  I'd say he's happy to be home, too.

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