Saturday, September 23, 2023

Highway to Hell...


If you said, "AC/DC, 1979," you get 12 bonus points.

There is a lot going on in our household these days.  I've heard that "If a couple can survive building a house together, they can survive anything."  Fortunately, we are 1,348 miles away from the house building; Steph and Dan are there to look in on it weekly.  But, with the builder we selected, there is very little for any of us to do, after we picked out flooring and countertops.  I can't say the same lack of concern/involvement with the move, though.

Yes, I am onboard with it.  It wouldn't make much difference if I wasn't... this juggernaut is rolling.  I feel for Steph and Dan, as they are having to move twice during this process.  Only one move for us, but it seems like it has been going on since last May.  Joan is the packer in our relationship.  My job is to stay out of her way and agree with what she suggests.  And when we go to U-Haul for our regular dose of "box shopping," to get out my credit card and say whether any particular boxes will fit in the Equinox to get them home.  We are buying them on an as-needed basis.

Joan is focused; detail oriented.  I tend to see "the big picture"... and take in different perspectives.  Some might consider that unfocused.  Perhaps leaning towards ADHD.  I am thinking of getting this shirt...

I don't consider it unfocused, but rather: multi-tasking.  ;-)

Whatever one chooses to call it, the job is getting done.  While moving stuff in our underneath storage last night, Joan said, "Oh, there is something wet in this bin!"  And then she pulled her hand out and it was covered in blood.  I'm talking: crime-scene looking.  Torn skin on her little finger.  We took a break to come inside and clean her up.  I was thinking "stitches," she was thinking Bandaid.  Once washed off, alcohol and Neosporin applied, it was a single Bandaid to cover.

I went down to move the same stuff and pulled out a bloody hand.  No, I was not cut or gouged - it was the remnants of her blood-letting.

This morning, the day after getting our flu and Covid shots, she is symptom-free... I am feeling the neck and body aches.  I think we'll take the day off from packing - we have 6 days before the moving pods arrive, and I think we're ahead of schedule.  OK by me; neither of us slept well, and I am feeling a bit groggy this morning.  I was told, "No bicycle riding, no motorcycle riding, no car driving, no drone flying."  No, not by a doctor.  I am probably OK for cat-walking.


We got our weekly new house update from Steph and Dan this afternoon - not a lot of changes.  As expected, the front yard landscaping is in.  The usual front shots...

Some kind of desert plants and a couple skinny trees...

When they went inside, there were no visible changes; paperwork that was on the kitchen counters last week was still there.  So, nothing to update inside.  Joan did ask for a photo of the hallway on our side, to get an idea of what she'd like to do with that area...

Steph also sent a photo of the hallway from the front door on their side...

That shot is very helpful - I wasn't sure if our bikes (the CTX and Xmax) would fit side by side in their hallway, or if we'd have to put them in single-file.  Looks like either way will work.  Steph doesn't think that's funny.  I do.

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