Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Let there be light...


And breeze.

Today's "home project" was looking at ceiling fans and light fixtures.  Steph has arranged for a guy to install both, when we're ready.  Seven ceiling fans to decide on (4 on their side, 3 on ours), and the only other lighting fixtures (that I'm aware of) we need to pick out are some kind of hanging lights over each of the kitchen islands.

We made a couple stops - the purchases will happen after we go through the house tomorrow and take some measurements.

A couple photos from last night, when we got back to the motorhome after a nice birthday meal out...

Tomorrow: the official walk-through in the house to see what we feel needs to be addressed (blue tape and Sharpies at the ready).  In the afternoon: a meeting at the house with the first landscape company, where I am told they will measure, take down what we each want, and offer suggestions before having a landscape designer draw it up.

After furniture and a hot tub, I'm hopeful that we can afford more than basic gravel.


Out for our evening walk (Rufus and me), we were treated to this view of the sky as the last of the light disappeared beyond the horizon...

It gets dark here earlier than what we are used to - that photo above was taken around 6:15; the sky was dark by 6:30.  To be fair, we are still getting used to the 2 hour time difference.  I find I am waking up before 6:00 am each morning, regardless of when I go to bed.  I like our bed in the motorhome, but I really like our Sleep Number Bed that is in a moving pod and won't be delivered for another 10 days or so.

I wish I could sleep like Rufus - now that he is officially a "mature" cat, he can nap whenever the mood strikes him.  Seems that it strikes him repeatedly during the day.

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