Monday, October 2, 2023

Strapped down...


The loading continues.  I'm thinking there is an end in sight.  One big thing done: the bikes are strapped down in the cargo trailer and there is a bunch of stuff packed around them...

 It may be hard to find them (the bikes), but they are there.

While Joan packed up more stuff in the house, I worked on flushing and sanitizing the holding tanks in the motorhome.  It's only been about 3 weeks since we were traveling back to the Tropical Tip in the motorhome, but better safe than sorry.

Tomorrow, we will move that last of our personal stuff into the motorhome.  Tonight will be our last night in the house.  Yes, I am a little sad about that - this has been a good house.  We designed it to be a vacation home, but when we retired (first time around) and sold everything in South Dakota, we decided this is where we want to be.

Yes, things change.  Even though we are looking forward to being close to Steph and Dan, we will take a lot of great memories with us; memories of island life, boating adventures near and far, the dolphins, the sub-tropical climate.  We're looking forward to making new memories out west.

I walked Rufus by the motorhome again this evening; yes, he knows that is his other home.  He looked a bit sad today (the boy has a very expressive face) when Joan took his tower apart so it would fit in the cargo trailer.  He has a shorter version in the motorhome.  All his toys will travel in the coach with us.

I didn't sleep great last night.  Too many thoughts running through my mind.  I still have concerns about making what we have left fit in the moving pods and our conveyances, but our closets in the house are empty.  Dresser drawers are empty.  The storage area under the house is empty.  I have faith in Joan's ability to pack, but there is a finite amount of available space.  

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