Monday, October 16, 2023

You say it's your birthday...


If you said, "The Beatles, 1968," you get 10 bonus points.  If you said, "At this link":

... you get another 20 bonus points.

It is someone's birthday; I'm not mentioning any names, but it is The Blonde.  I'm not mentioning any number of years, but she is 828 months old.  She's still the young chick... compared to the old guy she's married to.  Not mentioning any names, but that's me.

Big day today: shopping, shopping, shopping... I feel my arches dropping... furniture stores sucking... Raw Feet.  (sung to the tune of Rawhide)  Don't try to understand them... just smile, and nod, and cram them... soon we'll be living high and wide.  My heart's calculating... a new couch will be waiting... be waiting at the end of my ride.

Happy Birthday to the love of my life!


We got word this morning that our moving pods have arrived at their storage facility in Phoenix.  Once we close on the house and get the keys, we can start moving stuff again.  It's been almost 2 days since I got to  move anything.  I'm so excited... I just can't hide it... I'm about to lose control and I think I like it. 

Yes, my life is an eclectic musical.

Cue the music: Dum, dum, dum... another one bites the dust...



Earl49 said...

Happy belated birthday to *The Boss*. Hope you guys had fun. As I often joke, "Of course I am the Captain of the ship. But let me check with the Admiral over here". :-)

Yesterday got away from me, running hard from 0730 until after 2130, then collapsing. (I hate it when the afternoon nap is missed, and so does Lucy).

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

"The Boss"? It was Bruce Springsteen's birthday, too? ;-)

We are a team. We make most decisions together, but either of us is good about saying, "I have no input to offer on this matter"... or some words to that effect.

It's been a while since I've gotten in an afternoon nap; Rufus, on the other hand, is very good about keeping that in his daily schedule. When I do lay down, he is very quick about getting snuggled in. I like that.