Saturday, March 21, 2020

Patio time...

After getting in a bike (bicycle) ride today, I did some patio time with Rufus.  We did not practice social distancing - he sat on my lap for a while.  We walked a bit, then he hopped up in his own patio chair...

He is quite content to sit out there and look around.  Even when the roadrunners came to call again.

I did get a chance to try out the new mixer and mic set up...

I think it is going to help me streamline things once we are back home.

Before going to Steph and Dan’s this afternoon, we stopped at Joann’s Fabrics to pick up some stuff that Joan had ordered online.  It was a bit creepy driving by a theater and restaurants and seeing empty parking lots.  The process at Joann’s was easy: Joan went in, got in line (with proper distancing), and they had her order already bagged and ready to go.  This is what current times call for.

Steph was wanting a ham-dip that Joan makes (for dipping chips).  It uses deviled ham; there was no deviled ham when Joan went to the store... she was lucky to find a small tin of "potted meat."  With no mention of what kind of meat, I am going with the assumption that they will be having "possum-dip" with their chips.  ;-)

Afternoon entertainment was provided by their cats, mostly Alfie and the new boy Tango.  Tango just wants to play and wrestle with his new "big brother," and doesn't seem to care that Alfie is about twice his size.  Fortunately for Tango, Alfie is a gentle boy... until pressed to the limit.  Tango is wiry, though, so is generally able to escape Alfie's wrestling holds.  "Two points for that take-down!"

Rufus was glad to see us when we got home, and I gave him more patio time until just before sunset - it cools down quick.

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