Friday, August 28, 2020

Getting video of the ride...

A breezy day here in the Black Hills, and cool enough (in the 70s) that we could get out on the scoots in our jackets.  I was pumped: Joan and I haven't ridden together in over a week.  Oh, I've been out solo, but I like riding together.

Today would be the culmination of what I have learned on those solo rides with the 360 camera (Insta360 One R).  Each time out, I have mounted the camera in different places on the bike, figuring out the result.

I have to say that I wish I had known more about these 360 cameras; I would have skipped buying that last GoPro camera.  This Insta360 One R with the 360 and 4k lens modules takes the place of two GoPro cameras (the Hero 8 Black, and the Max, their 360 model).

I started out taking some still photos - another adventure with 360 stills.  But, my goal for today was to get some different video.  It is hard to get a photo of yourself while riding your bike.  Even more so getting a video; you have to have some help.  Oh, the 360 camera mounted on a selfie stick extended from your bike gives you an interesting perspective.  Mount that same 360 on the back of your riding partner's bike and it is suddenly easy to coordinate getting riding video...

I took a bunch of still 360 photos and a couple dozen short videos.  I will play with them this evening; may even add something here.  But, this video was an easy, fun preview of our riding today.


I was asked on my favorite scooter forum how I mount the camera on the scoots - mostly RAM mounts, some GoPro attachments, and a selfie stick.  Like this...

Each gives a different perspective.

A few still photos from today's ride...

Realistically, it isn't necessary to take still photos with this camera, since you can pull a frame out of the video to use as a still.  Some habits stay with you, though.

Some video while riding behind Joan today...

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