Sunday, May 9, 2021

Happy Mother's Day...


It's that one day of the year that we take a moment to celebrate the woman who gave us life.  Or, in my case: the woman who found me on the porch after gypsies tossed me up there and ran.  What's that you say?  You thought gypsies stole children?  I think the inference here is: they try to toss away the really bad ones.  Dear ol' Mom was sweet that way.  It's been 10 years now that she's been gone; yes, I am an orphan.

In our family (Joan, Steph, and me), we celebrate all that Joan does to keep this family on the straight and narrow.  Oh, Stephanie hasn't really been a problem child; it's more the other childish one she has been dealing with for all these decades.  I would say the woman is a saint, but I think I have been a ray of sunshine to brighten her way.  Checking further, I may be the only one who says that... but I think there are a lot of people thinking it.

Joan had a very nice visit with Steph on the phone today.  Towards the end of the conversation, I did remind Steph that I played a part in this, too... "Definitely - way to inseminate, Dad!"

Nice to be recognized.

The furry kid in our family always recognizes his/her human Mom, too.  This morning, Rufus went back to bed after getting fed first thing this morning, to snuggle with Joan.  Yes, he took a pass on his big chair, to let Joan know how much he appreciates her.  I think we all know why: yes, he's such a good boy.

Ruf had me pick out a card for Joan, mostly because he doesn't have pockets to put his money in.  When I got cards last week (no, I didn't wait until the last minute), I was surprised to see so many options for Mother's Day cards... for Mom, for my favorite aunt, for Grandma, for "you're like a Mother to me," for friends to tell them what a good Mother they are.  There were 5 slots of cards from the family pet - 3 from the dog, 2 from the cat.  And only two for "wife"??  I know it is Dads buying all those cards from the kids and the cat, but only two selections for "the woman they made a Mother"??

Joan made breakfast, because we wanted it edible, but I did bring her coffee in bed (while snuggling with Rufus) and poured a mimosa for her to enjoy with breakfast.

Blowing like stink again in the Tropical Tip, so no Mother's Day boat or scooter outing.  Another day.  Nice thing about being retired: put it off a day or two.

For the love of my life: Happy Mother's Day, my dear.  You are a good Mom.  Steph and Rufus both say so, and I know them well enough to know that they wouldn't just say it.  This is the day where Moms everywhere get told that they are "the world's best Mom"... nice for all those folks to say that, but in our family, we know that is true.

And to quote the little girl from the Shake 'n Bake commercial from the 60s: "And, I helped."  ;-)

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