Friday, May 7, 2021

I'm on a Boat...


If you said, "T-Pain, 2009," you get 25 bonus points, but you are not allowed to select the music if we're driving anywhere.  ;-)

An absolutely gorgeous day in the Tropical Tip: mid to upper 70s, mostly sunny, light breeze, and reasonably low humidity.  When I got back from my morning bike ride, Joan had cinnamon rolls and a fruit smoothie ready for us.  Then, "So, do you want to take me out on the boat?"

"Yes, I do."

It took a few minutes to get all the stuff we had taken off the boat back on the boat.  But, it sure is clean!  I started up the motor, we untied lines, and shoved off.  Heading out the canal...

This is kind of a pivotal time... I haven't been gung-ho on boating, and we decided jointly: if, after a month or so, we aren't using the boat much, we'll consider what to do with it.

Back to the boat outing: a bit of bird-watching on the way out...

I didn't notice: the last time I used the Nikon was to take photos of the full moon.  To get detail in the moon, I have to shoot on Manual.  I didn't set it back.  That means the photos with the Nikon are going to be WAY over-exposed.  I fixed them as best I can, but there is a limit.  So, when you see images in this post that aren't quite up to our usual... well, it's the best I can do.

Some dredge equipment coming into the turning basin...

Quite a few Roseatte Spoonbills left on the island at "the Y"...

The first view of dolphins...

Yep, way over-exposed.  Like the rest of 'em...

A bait shrimper...

 A large boat being towed into the Port of Brownsville...

And, more dolphins...

That photo above is dolphin belly, close enough that the tail got cropped off.  And now for something different: photos taken with my phone that are properly exposed...

Now, so you don't think: "Jim you saved the day with your phone," well, I'm the one who handed Joan the Nikon without checking the setting.  Also, I happened to shoot all the images on my phone on the "live" setting.  If you aren't familiar with that, it makes a video of 1.5 seconds before and 1.5 seconds after you pretty the shutter release button.  In this particular circumstances, I got a couple tail slap videos, quite by accident; I turned that into a very short video...

We were out for a couple hours, and both agreed that it was a good time.  Almost makes you forget about how much work it is to keep up a boat.  ;-)

Lunch out at a real restaurant again; just like people.  Then, a stop at Art-Sea (Artsy) for some Mother's Day shopping.  Not a bad way to spend a lovely day.

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