Wednesday, November 30, 2022

The end of a season...


I am not sad to see this one go.  "Summer?"  you ask.  Oh, we have another cold front that blew in this morning, but will be nice again by Friday.  I'm talking about... hurricane season.  June 1st through November 30th.  I figure the most probability for our area is from early August to mid-October.  As of today, though, I can take a break from watching potential storm formation off of Africa.

We were fortunate this year, and didn't have anything significant as far as hurricane activity in our area.  Historically, we see a hurricane make landfall here every 28 years.  That does not mean it won't happen one year after then next, or that there won't be two in one year.  The last hurricane to make landfall right over the top of our house was in 2008, Hurricane Dolly.  Winds to 125 mph and 20" of rain in a 24 hour period... it moved in, then sat over the top of us for nearly 24 hours.  There was substantial damage with that one, but Jim Cantore from the Weather Channel was here one day and gone the next, so it didn't get much sensational TV coverage.

Why would anyone choose to live in a hurricane zone?  Because when there isn't a hurricane, it is generally very pleasant here.  When we lived in the frozen northland, we would see several blizzards during any given winter, and nasty cold that lasted for months.  70º is typical here on a January day.  Oh sure, we get northers that blow in and give us wind, rain, and cooler temperatures for a few days, but it isn't constant.  I like the salt air.  I like living by the water where the day to night temperature difference isn't 30º.

There are some drawbacks to living on an island - there is always the chance of boat traffic that will have the bridge open, so you can't plan a departure from here on a tight schedule.  This morning, our water went out; a break in the main water line.  Yeah, that happens from time to time.  There is currently a $20 million bond that will turn over our water system to the Laguna Madre Water District.  I was not in favor of this, for a bunch of reasons.  That aside, the water break today has nothing to do with LMWD; but it means we have been without water for a while.  Just like it is important to keep supplies (including water) for an emergency, you need to have some water for sanitary needs when something like this happens.  I cleaned up today, including washing my hair, with about 16 oz of water... hey, we were boat people for years - we know how to conserve.

The rest of the issues with living here are along the lines of any unincorporated community: we call ourselves a village, but we have no government.  We are on our own for the water system, roads, garbage... no city department to call when things need attention.  But, we have an incredible "group rate" for cable TV and high speed internet.  And canals (the reason we bought here) that give us water access to the ICW and Gulf of Mexico.

Nearly two years ago, most of Texas was severely impacted by extreme cold weather (Feb 2021).  The power grid couldn't handle it.  Pipes froze, lots of damage was done, people died from hypothermia.  It wasn't that bad here in the very southern Tip, but we did lose power for a while (that's why we have a generator).

But for right now, this "cold front" means it will be in the 60s today.  The wind and occasional rain will make it less than pleasant to be outside.  For a day or two.  But when we go out today, I won't have to worry about frostbite.

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

It's beginning to look a lot like...


Yeah, you know.  With the outside lights hung yesterday, and the cell phone stuff done last night and this morning, it was time.  We agreed to "decorating lite"... we'll still decorate, but keep it to the minimum that this guy who is like the character in the movie Elf can stand.

Inside, the first order of business is the tree...

 Yes, it is an artificial tree.  Joan picked this one out a couple years ago, to fit the space we have in our compact home...

It is tall and slender, the lights are built into it, and I add the decorations that have special meaning, then fill in with some other bulbs that go with the space.  The photo above is before the angel on top.  I know what you are thinking: "Jim do you sit up there?"  No.  While I am admittedly angelic, it is uncomfortable sitting up there with a tree up your ass.  Yes, I know what list I will be on for saying that.  Here's the "family heirloom" angel...

It is the personal ornaments I like best: a couple boat things, a motorhome, an Orca, some photo ornaments (Steph and Dan, Joan and me on Wild Blue, Rufus).

The cat photos are changed to show them in Santa hats...

The dolphin carving gets a Santa hat, as well...

No chimney, but the stockings are hung with care...

And one of the wood signs I routed free-hand back when I had a real shop to work in...

Joan put out a warmed dish with a cinnamon stick and some cloves to get "the scent of the season."  It is warm, humid, and windy... 82º, wind from the south above 20 mph, and about 3,000% humidity.  Glad I got the outdoor stuff hung yesterday; but Joan did run an extension cord to the wreath on the deck this morning.  Then, she ran it all into a couple smart plugs so we can turn the lights on and off with Alexa.

Yep, the start to a traditional kinda holiday season.  ;-)

Half way there...


Making the switch.  From Verizon to Visible.  For anyone keeping track, Visible is owned by Verizon.

The sim card from Visible arrived late yesterday afternoon, while I was hanging Christmas lights on the deck; I finished with the lights, had supper, then took on the switch.  A case of clumsy fingers had me picking up the new sim card several times.  I went through all the steps, but knew I had to contact Customer Care to get Joan's phone number switched so she could keep her long-time number.

In my two previous encounters with Visible Customer Care, I was "You're Next" in the cue for a chat, and #7.  I have to say I was impressed with how fast the cue moved.  Last night, I didn't get a number for my place in line, just a thermometer-type display... I must have been "below zero" on that thermometer because it took two hours for it to change to "You're Number 50" in the cue.  The wait was bearable after that.  I was on my computer for the chat, since I can type WAY faster on that, compared to a phone.  My new friend, Keysha, got Joan's number changed, then stayed with us while we checked all the features of the phone to make sure everything was working.  A long wait, but good experience once we got to a person.

Keysha told me that I didn't need to order a sim card to make the change on my phone - just the number release  pin from Verizon so I could keep my number.  I decided to wait until this morning to go through that again on my phone.

Is it worth it?  The actual cell service should stay the same, since Visible operates on Verizon's network.  The data speeds may turn out to be a bit slower, but my testing with that on my phone showed it to be the same as Verizon.  I will continue to have unlimited data, and Joan will now have unlimited data (as opposed to the 2gb she had with Verizon, and will not get "ratted out" to me when Verizon would let me know that she was exceeding her 2gb limit.  Her plan is completely separate from mine, and she can have her own unlimited hotspot... no more asking me to "jazz up your hotspot."  After 25 years of being together on a cell plan, we are now both independent.  And after 25 years of the price constantly going up, extra fees and taxes, we will have cut our cell bill by over $100 per month.

The Verizon coverage is pretty marginal right at our house.  It used to be great, but is now "1 bar" at best.  Dropped calls are common.  Visiting with Mark yesterday, the call got dropped a half dozen times before we switched to FaceTime... and no further issuesd, because we have great wifi at the house.  And more importantly, Mark is doing great - except for moving just a bit slower (for now), he is back to his normal wit and sense of humor.  He is wearing a strap-on device (yes, there was some fun poked at him over that) that promotes healing and blood flow at the surgery site.  It sticks out front and back.  He made me laugh when he raised up his shirt and said, "I think I can mount a phone holder and drink holder on this."

So, on to dealing with Visible for "the rest of the change-over."  I just needed a few minutes of not being "in the cue" this morning.


It took a while on the Visible chat this morning, but we are now "all the way there."  I would say we are done with Verizon, but Visible operates on the Verizon cell and data system... so, we are getting the same service, just paying way less for it.

When it was complete, we checked phones - seems that everything is working... except we have two bars on the cell signal, where it had previously been one bar with Verizon.  Go figure?  We had to re-record our voicemail messages, but everything else seems to have made the transition just fine.

So, if you are thinking about making a switch, I have "a code" that will save you $20 on your first month's bill with Visible.

Monday, November 28, 2022



"Your tolerance for assholes?" you ask.  No.  Well, it really is a matter of: are they assholes or just stupid?  There's a lot of stupid going around out there, but I don't consider stupid to be deliberate.  Being an asshole is definitely deliberate

While out on my motorcycle today, there was a lot of slow moving traffic - people who sat longer than necessary when the light turns green, or driving 16 mph when the speed limit is 30.  They aren't trying to be nasty, they're just stupid.  One young lady pulled out in front of me on Hwy 100 (the main drag through town)... she didn't look to her left, and I saw that she was going to go without looking.  I had to put on the brakes hard - hard enough to activate the ABS.  She pulled out, then stopped when it was very apparent she wasn't going to be able to merge into traffic.  Not because she is an asshole (although I probably thought so at the time), but because she is stupid.  When she finally turned her head to see that I was a couple feet from her driver's door, and laying on my horn, she looked surprised... then smiled and waved, and drove away.  She had no idea that she nearly caused an accident, nor would it register to look both ways next time.  Stupid.  STOOPID.

"But what about the 'Zero-Zero' thing?" you ask.  Thanks for getting me back on topic.  It was sunny when I pulled out of our driveway.  I had to run a couple errands before getting to just kick back and enjoy a ride.  When I came out of Walgreens, a fog was starting to waft in; that can happen pretty fast when you're right by the water.  I rode through town and across the causeway - you couldn't see the buildings on SPI from the halfway point of the causeway... yep, that fog is thickening up.

I rode around the island a bit, where they were also participating in National Drive Slower Than Necessary Day.  Back onto the causeway where the high part of the bridge was completely socked in.  I don't recall riding in fog this thick on a motorcycle before, but it was darn close to Zero-Zero - that's a pilot term meaning: zero visibility and zero sky clearance (how far above the ground the clouds are).  For an IFR rate pilot in an appropriately equipped airplane, that isn't dangerous, although the pilot will be looking for an alternative destination airport with better visibility.

I could see the white stripes on the road and that was about it.  It was a creepy feeling, since you use so many visual cues when riding.  I had looked behind me before going up into the fog in that high part of the bridge, and there was no traffic close behind me.  It could be real ugly to have someone come up behind you over-driving the conditions.

No photos - I didn't bring a camera and there isn't anything to see when the fog is that thick.  Duh.  By the time I got to the mainland side of the causeway, the visibility was greatly improved.  Fog can be that patchy, especially right over the water, when the water temp and air temp are different, raising the dew point in that area quickly.


File photo...

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Freedom of Speech...


It's Number 1 in the Bill of Rights.  We Americans take that right very serious.

It is a gorgeous day in the Tropical Tip.  Blue sky, a 15 mph breeze, and currently (at 12:45pm) 75º.  Yes, I would classify this one as a "Chamber of Commerce day."  Rufus has been out for a walk, I rode my bicycle around the island, made breakfast on the griddle in shorts and a t-shirt, then went for a motorcycle ride.  This is how things should be in this climate.


On the scooter forum where I hang out, one of the participants there read this blog and took exception to my use of the word "visceral" a while back.  Seems that what I ride is different from what he rides (still pretty similar in the grand scheme of things), and he felt the need to expound on his ride giving him satisfaction and my choice of ride is like "sitting in a chair, watching a TV screen."  Not being one to be silent when challenged, I tried explaining to him that we can each enjoy what we have.  He specifically said, "I don't get it."  Well, that and a bunch of other drivel like what got him kicked off that forum for a year, a few years back.

There are people out there who do not have the ability to empathize: anyone doing something they wouldn't enjoy needs to be told that they are doing life wrong.  Well, actually, that is a lack of empathy and no ability to keep their mouth shut.  That brings up the difference between "Freedom of Speech" and being polite in society.  Our Bill of Rights grants every citizen that "freedom of speech."  As often stated: it does not give you the right to yell "FIRE!" in a crowded theater.  It does not give you the right to go into someone's house or other private property and... spout off.  If you come into my house and proceed to tell me I am doing something wrong (whether that is true or imagined), as the property owner, I can ask you to shut up and leave.  If you refuse to, I can punch you in the face and throw you out.  Some might debate the legality or intelligence of doing that, but the fact is: freedom of speech stops at the door of a private property.

What many people don't realize: much of the internet is "privately owned."  I participate on that scooter/motorcycle forum, but I don't own it.  It isn't public property.  The people who own that website get to make up the rules of conduct, including the right to toss you off that forum for any general behavior they deem violates those rules of conduct.  That's how this guy I was speaking of earlier got tossed off that forum for a year: obnoxious behavior isn't protected by the Bill of Rights on private property.

Thus, the mention of "polite society" above.  I'm not talking about sipping tea with your pinky out... rather, there are some things that one shouldn't do that may be protected by that freedom of speech notion.  Hate speech, inciting violence - things like that are not protected.  And then there are some things that most people should know better than to say: like coming up to someone you don't know and insulting their outfit.  Yes, you have the right to say it... but it doesn't make the behavior right.  And that's what this guy on the forum doesn't get.  He didn't have the intelligence or guts to make a direct comment on this blog, so he took it to what he considers "a public forum."  For the record, Blogger owns this space, but it is my blog - if you make a comment here I find rude, I can delete it.  If you try to advertise something here, I will delete it.  If you disagree with me regarding something I have written, but do so in an intelligent manner, I won't likely delete it.

And that brings up the topic of "moderators" - almost all forums have someone who keeps order on the forum, to prevent it from becoming a total shit show.  If someone comes into the forum just to try to start arguments or just generally be obnoxious (I don't know why some people get a kick out of that), a moderator may give them a warning, and then ban them from being able to post on the forum if they don't change their behavior.  I've seen some banned people join the forum again, under a different name, but their behavior gives them away... and they generally wind up with a lifetime ban.  That doesn't stop them from finding another forum to annoy.

I consider those forums a bit like going into a neighborhood bar (no, I am not one to frequent bars) - you go in, see people you know, sit down and have some conversation.  If you get obnoxious, the bar tender or bouncer will toss your ass out.  Moderators are the "bouncer" of internet forums.

How about out on a street corner?  Are you allowed to say anything you want?  Mostly.  But no one is forced to listen to you, and you may find a fight on your hands if you incite someone with a view different from yours.  And that's my point for "polite society."  If you behave in a civil manner, whether on a street corner or in an internet forum, your odds of creating a problem are greatly diminished.  Unless, of course, you are one of those assholes that just likes to start a fight... but that is a sad way to go through life.

While riding my motorcycle today, I got behind an SUV with a sticker on the window that read "Fuck Biden."  Is that free speech?  Probably.  Is it acceptable in "polite society"?  Not from my perspective, but I tend to be a "just be nice" (as much as I can handle) kinda guy.  The person with that on their back window is someone I would tend to avoid.  Polite society... there just isn't much of that these days.

Friday, November 25, 2022

Black Friday...


Talking with Steph yesterday, she was pissed at Verizon because they charged her $35 each for an "activation fee" for the new iPhones they bought.  They did the switching themselves - Verizon didn't have to do a damn thing.  I told her we were checking into Visible.  Yes, it is owned by Verizon (we know we like their coverage with our traveling), but the plans are one price - no bullshit add-on fees and taxes.

I signed up my phone for their 15 day free trial - the coverage is the same as Verizon, but I could easily switch back and forth on my phone... and found the Visible download speeds were faster than Verizon... what's up with that???  We started the process to switch Joan's phone over last night.  I'll be working on mine next.  No going back.

Today is Black Friday - I'm happy to not be out there fighting the crowds.  Not sure that is much of a thing anymore, since you can buy anything you want on-line, and retailers have been offering their "Black Friday Sales" since the day after Halloween.

On another topic: I did get out on my motorcycle late yesterday afternoon.  I think it has been 12 years... or maybe about 10 days.  Whichever - it has been way too long.  It was in the low 70s, mostly sunny, and a light breeze... and it was great.  That will have to hold me over, 'cause Mother Nature turned snitty again overnight; fog and drizzle when we got up this morning.

It's a good day to not be standing outside, waiting for a store to open.  ;-)


Old dog, learning any tricks...

More cell phone stuff.  We have been using cell phones since the days of the bag phones.  For you whippersnappers out there who don't know what I'm talking about, this is a bag phone...

 Cell phones were large, with large batteries - you weren't going to carry them around in your pocket, so they came in a purse-like bag.  For around $50 per month, not including the price of the phone, you got 30 minutes of talk time.  Any call you made to a number outside your home cell tower got billed for a $2 fee plus long distance charges.  A short phone call to the next town could result in a $5 call.  If you were away from your home cell tower, you also paid for roaming charges - $2 per day for each cell tower when you were roaming.  So, if you happened to move from one cell tower to another (assuming there were cell towers where you were traveling) during a call, there was a separate $2 fee for each.  Needless to say, you didn't use the phone for idle chit-chat.

Then came the brick phone, which was still too big to put in a pocket.  Phones got smaller, but you still had to pull out an antenna on the phone when making a call.  Then, my first small cell phone, that Joan and Steph called my "spy phone" because it was small enough to carry in a pocket.  Also, I had that one "jail broke," so I could receive calls on that or a larger phone; yes, both with the same number.  When the cell company figured that out, it was "pick one or the other."

Over the years, there have been other phones, as technology improved.  Two Motorola Droids before a series of iPhones.  When I saw that first iPhone, I could see the photography industry was in for some major changes.

That walk down Memory Lane brings us to today.  After decades of overpaying Verizon's continually rising prices, we are committed to making a change.  When we were traveling coast to coast to coast, Verizon had the best coverage - I felt they were the best solution for us, especially with my "grandfathered" unlimited data coverage.  We have been with Verizon for 25 years.  I am learning that a lot of people switch cell carriers like some people change socks.  I don't know what constitutes "a lot," but we have been reluctant to make that change.

Researching different cell phone service providers, I find that some include the "fees and taxes" in their advertised price, many don't.  That's what led us to Visible.  Doing their 15 day trial (free, with no commitment), I found out I can have two different carriers on my phone, including two different numbers.  Visible assigned me a number with the local area code; our Verizon coverage has phone numbers that we have had for more than 25 years.  We will retain our long-time phone numbers when we complete the change.

With both providers connected on the same phone, I can switch back and forth, or set it so I receive calls from both and select data from one or the other.  It makes it possible to really compare data speeds on the same phone.  I had Steph call me on each of the numbers - no difference.  Well, except the $$.

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Happy Thanksgiving!


Do you say what you are thankful for before your meal today?  Like many, that is a family tradition for us.  It will be a quiet day for us today... just the two of us and Rufus.  There will be turkey, mashed potatoes, and I will have a piece of pumpkin pie; with sugar free whipped topping on it.  I'm paying attention to what I eat and the blood sugar numbers have settled into a significantly lower number.  I'm thankful for that.  Not gonna tell you I won't miss the apple crisp that is often a part of our holiday meals.

It's a foggy start to the day here, but means the wind isn't howling.  I'm thankful for that, too.  62º, so it's getting closer to normal seasonal temps again.


The new Select Comfort bed we ordered arrived yesterday.  The guys who did the delivery and set up on it were fast, friendly, and efficient.  This is our third one, so we knew what to expect.  This mattress is more high-tech than our previous ones - supposed to "keep track" of our sleep.  When I figure out the app, I'll be able to see when I tossed, when I had deep sleep, and even if/when I got out of bed.  So, this mattress is a bit like Santa: "he sees you when you're sleeping, he knows when you're awake"... only mildly creepy.


I checked my "sleep" this morning: I scored a 78 (higher than average) - I thought it was pretty good for the first night on a new mattress...

I pulled an "all nighter" - didn't have to get up to pee.  Whoohoo!  I woke up feeling refreshed, and that's why we updated from the previous Select Comfort.

We have both been doing research on cell phone plans.  I am not thankful for how expensive our Verizon plan has grown over the years.  We first considered this when we updated our Spectrum cable box and modem/router... the pitch the Spectrum guy gave us was good: about $70 per month, no hidden taxes or fees.  Our Verizon bill comes to around $200 a month.  Right now, Visible (also owned by Verizon) is our top consideration.  This isn't a decision I take lightly - we have had Verizon for about 25 years, back when a PCMCIA card was how you could get on the internet.  Due to a screw-up on their part with a time zone glitch (we were well into the Mountain Time Zone, but they billed our usage based on Central Time) that resulted in a higher than normal bill, they gave me a guaranteed grandfathered in-unlimited data.  It wasn't a big deal back then, but as data speeds increased, then number of gigabytes we used went up.  Exponentially.  We were some of the first to be able to post our adventures in real time, including photos.  Yes, the days long before TicTok, Instagram, and YouTube.

When we moved from the PCMCIA card to a Mifi card, and then to using my phone as a hotspot, Verizon charged me $30 per month for the privilege of that hotspot (but I was able to delete the monthly charge for a Mifi, mobile wifi).  With our current situation, my phone as a hotspot is our only source of internet when we're away from home (we don't use public wifi).  It has worked well for us.  But, I could easily rack up 300gb of usage in a month with both of us surfing, watching videos, and occasionally streaming movies.  In areas with good coverage and data speed, we often see well over 30mbps of download speed.  Truth be told, I don't usually see much of a difference between 5mbps and 30 when we're traveling.  But, we have gotten spoiled by the 300+mbps download speeds we see at home with our Spectrum internet.

Visible offers "unlimited" data usage, but "you may find that the download speeds are capped at 5 to 12mbps (megabytes per second).  With Visible Plus on my line and Visible on Joan's the cost would go down from $200+/- per month to $75.  And, if I am out on my bike (with my phone), she would be able to have internet access with the plan from her phone.

I think we will be fine with Visible, but it is concerning to give up a known commodity that we've lived with all these years.  Visible has no stores, it is on-line only.  It is very rare we've felt the need to go into a Verizon Store for any kind of customer service.  Visible uses all the same cell towers as Verizon, so the coverage should be what we're used to.  And, did I mention: an additional $125+ we get to keep each month.  I would be thankful for that.

Wishing all the best of the holiday season to you and yours.  Rufus wants to know when it's time to eat...

Wednesday, November 23, 2022



Not while driving - I'm not that guy.  Mark and I did exchange a couple texts last night.  Cindy did take away his phone briefly after he said, "I think this would be a good time to buy bitcoin..."  I'm guessing he was kidding, but the anesthesia and pain meds can make you a little crazy.  Or so I've heard.  He texted me, "I can't even lift a Les Paul."

That's a guitar model for any non-players reading.  I texted back: "Cindy can get you sitting down, then put a guitar on your lap... hey, wait a minute - you bought a Les Paul??"  And then it was sleepy time. 

This morning, I got a text from him: "All's good, feeling very well, just need to get some sleep... should be home this afternoon."   Now, it is time to heal.

And now for something completely different... or not.  Yesterday, one of our local weather weasels said, "It has been 8 days since we've seen the sun..."  Feels longer than that.  This morning when I got up, it was gray and gloomy, but... the wind wasn't howling and it is 55º to start the day.  I plan to take Rufus for a walk this morning - his cabin fever has been as apparent as mine.  Looks like Saturday before we have a sunny day.  In the words of the philosopher: "Zippity doo dah!"


Mark is home!  Upright and walked in on his own.  In fact, he and Cindy took a walk to a nearby park.  The really big news: an immediate relief from the back pain.  Still some pain from the surgery, cutting, having metal put into bone, twisting on his spine, removing a bone spur... damn, it makes my ass pucker just thinking about it.  I'm glad he is through it, and now can mend.  We had a good talk on the phone this afternoon.

And, he asked me to send him the tracks I've been working on.  That's my buddy!

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Back in the studio...


Recording, not photography.  It has been a while since I've done any music recording.  The last music video Mark and I did was recorded (the music part) months ago; it took a while to develop the plan for a video.  This is another song Mark wrote.  He sent a basic track to me a few weeks ago so we could work on the premise.  He got the tracks with guitar(s), bass, and drums sent to me yesterday, with some guidance for how he sees the lead vocal for me, and the request for another electric guitar track to fit with the tracks already laid down.

I listened to the song a dozen times or so, to get a feel for phrasing and melody, then practiced a vocal a couple times... then laid down a lead vocal track.  Then another.  Then a harmony vocal track on the chorus.  I was on a roll: then two more completely different vocal tracks with another harmony vocal on parts of the verses.  I planned on being done with the project for the day by 7:00 pm... I was still going at 9:00.  It is good to record when the vibe is there.  Then, I worked on a guitar track with some funky chording that still fits.  I am enjoying the process again.

I'll have time to work on it some more today - Mother Nature still isn't done with us for crap weather, and more importantly: Mark goes in for back surgery today.  We joked about getting old parts removed and new metal parts going in.  I will no longer be the only bionic man in this duo.  When you start playing rock and roll as a kid, you don't anticipate taking time off from it for geezer surgery.

And the beat goes on.


The update: Cindy texted me to let me know that Mark is out of surgery and the doctor is pleased with the results.  It took a bit longer than expected for the surgery.  I have been waiting for that good news.  Mark is strong and fit - he should bounce back fast.


Another update: Joan has been cooking up a storm.  She made a sausage biscuit thing for breakfast that was tasty.  Then she made a batch of apple cinnamon muffins, made with "healthy stuff"... if she wouldn't tell me "that it's almond flour" or whatever healthy alternative she uses, I would probably just eat it.  But when she tells me "It is healthy," that is code for: shut up and eat it, and don't complain.  She used apple sauce to keep it moist.  So, it tastes more like moist sawdust than just plain ol' sawdust.

We trade off: she say's, "Here - try this," while experimenting with healthy ingredients.  I say, "Here - listen to this," when I am trying different things with recording music tracks.

We are coming up on a big anniversary soon... I don't think this is what people mean when they say, "Try new things to keep the relationship fresh."

Monday, November 21, 2022

Sugar, Sugar...


If you said, "The Archies, 1969," you get 10 bonus points.  If you said, "Ron Dante is an American singer, songwriter, session vocalist, and record producer. He is best known as the lead singer for the fictional cartoon band The Archies, as well as the one-hit wonder group The Cuff Links," you get 50 bonus points.  If you thought The Archies were a real band, you lose any bonus points you may have accumulated over the years, and someone should slap Yo Momma for raising a dummy.

On my last visit to the doctor, my blood sugar was high.  High enough that the doctor prescribed something to lower it, and recommended a change of diet.  Joan has been very diligent in finding low or no sugar alternatives for us.  By cutting about 80% of the sugar in what we have been eating, it has managed to lower my will to live by almost 90%.

Yes, I'm kidding.  Mostly.  One of the first things she made for me was a small breakfast muffin to replace the singular mini powdered donut I have when I first get up.  This muffin has no sugar, but makes up for it by having the flavor of sawdust.  Same texture, too.  But I appreciate her efforts.

Adding to the fun of eating sawdust, our weather here in the Tropical Tip has been shit: cold, windy, and drizzly.  For a week.  We haven't been getting out.  'Cause the weather sucks.  Did I mention that?  I can't even wile away the hours by eating cookies... 'cause I can't eat cookies... unless they are made with sawdust.

Here's a look out the glass door to our deck...

 Can you guess what that is?  It is a cover over our patio table and chairs.  It is weighted down with a brick to try to keep it from billowing and beating itself to shreds due to the wind.  Even though the cover is tied down to the chair legs.  Because that cold north wind continues to blow like stink.

Joan asked me if I wanted to go with her to the grocery store... "to get out of the house."


We turned on the heated seats in the Equinox.  47º, light drizzle, wind out of the north at somewhere beyond 20 mph.  Still, it was a nice change to get out of the house.

When we grocery shop together, my job is to push the cart and open the plastic bags that come on a flat roll for meats and produce.  Oh, and I say, "That sounds good," when she suggests anything particular.  All I had for breakfast this morning was a piece of toast.  I was hungry when we went to the store.  Everything looked tasty.  I could actually hear cries of, "Eat me!  Eat me!" as we passed the cookie aisle.  Joan could not hear the voices, but she did spend a lot of time reading labels on food that looked good... then sayiny, "Nope - that has too much flavor."  Those may not have been her exact words, but that was the gist I got from label reading.

With my belly growling, we headed for the Self-Check area, because Walmart had only two check out lanes with a cashier open.  It made me wonder if we were going to be invited to the Self-Check Employee Christmas Party?  But, I digress.  While Joan ran our stuff through the scanner as fast as any professional cashier, I looked at the stuff they have for sale around the check station...

 No Sugar Coke Zero.  I like Diet Coke, can't stand Coke Zero.  This is a "Limited Edition Dreamworld Coke Zero"... that according to the label on the bottle is "Dream Flavored."  I have no idea what "Dream Flavored" tastes like, but I can tell you about the broken dream flavor of sawdust muffins.

Yeah, I'm kidding.  I miss my chocolate covered peanuts and my solitary powered sugar mini donut, but I'm doing fine.  And my blood sugar number is down significantly.  And that's a good thing.


Saturday, November 19, 2022

Moved to Seattle...


No, it only feels like it.  We are into day 4 of dreary... right now the wind is blowing the rain and drizzle sideways... 30 mph out of the north, with occasional gusts to about a million, 55º.  It's what we sub-tropical dwellers call: sucky.  That's the technical meteorological term.

We got out yesterday for lunch; I even took a walk when the drizzle let up to a light drizzle for a half hour or so.  Trying to stave off the dreaded... cabin fever.

That's not really me.  I washed my hair today and shaved just yesterday.  But... the fever is real.  If the weasels can be trusted (and they usually can't), there's another 4 days of this ahead of us.  Next Wednesday before the dreary rain and wind let up?  Yep.

We moved here full time in 2006.  Spent winters here for about 10 years before that.  26 years?  What are you, like a hundred?  I'm not going to thank you for that one.  What I was going to say: I have never seen 8 days of crap weather in a row.  Here.  It's "the Tropical Tip"... palm trees, beaches... warm weather.

What?  Yeah, I know it will be back.  The decent weather, that is.  You just have to believe.

Friday, November 18, 2022

Say what??


How's your hearing.  Mine's fine.  Sitting around the house on this dreary day, Joan asked me, "Do you want to take a hearing test?"

I answered, "What?"  (rimshot)

She got something from AARP for an "on line" hearing test.  All you need is a quiet room and a set of headphones.  The test is "sponsored by" a hearing aid company.  What do you think the results will be?

I put on my headphones, answered their questions, then had to give them my name and e-mail address.  The instructions: "Turn up your device to maximum volume," then click when you hear different tones in each ear.  I could hear all 4 tones at the lowest setting.

The result: I have "moderate hearing loss."  I have to call bullshit on this one.  I took it again and specifically picked different levels for the tones... yep, "moderate hearing loss."  Same results.  From a hearing aid company... what are the odds of that?  Yep - a big ol' pile of steaming bullshit.

Considering I survived the Rock n Roll years, my hearing is good; "excellent" on my last captain's physical.  (my current annual check-ups don't include a hearing test)  


Speaking of captain stuff.  When Joan and I went out for lunch, there was a family of 5 at a table within our line of sight.  One of the little girls was dancing all around the table.  It reminded me of one boat trip where a family with a 8 to 10 year old (I didn't check ID) was swinging around one of the support posts on the boat.  I let everyone get settled, then started my "safety talk."  The little girl got up and was swinging around the post again.  I said, "Have a seat young lady - your Daddy doesn't want to see you swinging around a pole."  The passengers erupted in laughter.  The Mother told the kid, "Sit down - NOW!"  Judging by the look on the kid's face, parental guidance was a new thing for her.

At the end of the trip, a guy shook my hand (with a nice gratuity) and said, "Thanks for the best laugh I've had on this vacation."  ;-)



Thursday, November 17, 2022

A day without Amazon is like...


... well, I don't know that it is like.  UPS came early today and dropped off a "smiling box."  One of the things in that box is a couple strings of Christmas lights.  Joan found a style she liked; we haven't updated our outside lights in a couple years, so we'll be doing something different this year.

And, of course, a box from Amazon is like Christmas for the big furry boy...

"I will love this box forever!"  Or, 10 minutes.  Then, it's time to sit on a lap.  But, it is fun to see that moment of joy... no matter how fleeting.

The weather is still crap.  And you know the old saying: When the weather is crap, it's time to run the back-up stuff.  No, I'm not talking about reverse gear.  I admit I am not one who makes daily back-ups on my laptop.  Not weekly, either.  Sometimes monthly, if I remember.  Apple let me know it was time for an OS "upgrade" this morning.  I have learned to back-up everything before I load the "upgrade."

I have a file on my desktop titled "2022 Ride Videos"... yes, it is all the 360 motorcycle videos I shot, most of them while we were in the Black Hills.  I checked the info on that file, to see how much memory it was taking - I was shocked to see it was over 200 gigabytes!  I guess I shot more than I realized.  On the bright side, most of them are on YouTube, so I don't have to keep the files on my computer.  So, after backing up those files on a separate hard drive, then running Time Machine on a different hard drive (that also saves everything currently on my computer), I dumped that that huge-ass, space-hogging folder.  Like spring cleaning... only in the fall.

We did venture out, in the drizzle and wind, to have lunch at Blackbeard's... where I knew I could get some chicken-fried comfort food for lunch.

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

You Soxy Thing...


It was 54º when I got up this morning.  Overcast, drizzly, windy.  And now, 6 hours later, it is 54º, drizzly and windy.  The "feels like" temperature is 48º, with that north wind blowing 21 mph and gusting higher.  I have no desire to go out in that.

Yes, I know my friends in the frozen northland would call me candy ass... and I would agree.  We had talked about going out for some "grandma food" for lunch, but agreed we'll be eating in.  I am wearing long pants for the second day in a row.  But, the real indicator of the weather: socks.

I have become a tenderfoot guy - it is rare I wear sandals these days, so I always have socks on during the day.  Usually lighter weight socks.  Getting specific: Keens that have a definite right and left foot.  If you haven't tried "foot specific" socks, you may want to consider them.  Really, they make my feet happy.

Last spring, Joan bought me a couple pair of thicker, taller Keen socks, to wear with my motorcycle boots.  Turns out, there were a bit too warm for that.  But, on a chilly day like today, they are just right.

"Seriously, a post about your socks?  Slow news day?"  Thanks for asking.  I give more consideration to buying socks than I do my other clothing.  The most prominent "tan line" I have is from just above my ankles on down.  The whitest ankles you've ever seen.  You didn't need to know that?  Yeah, I'm over-sharing again.

But, I am happy on this dreary day, 'cause I am wearing some toasty socks that have an "R" and an "L" on them.  ;-)


Looking handsome...

Me?  Stop, you're making me blush.  Of course,  I am talking about my furry boy...

Joan was making potato cheese soup.  I was drying dishes.  Rufus was sitting on the back of a chair, keeping an eye on us... you never know if it's time for a treat.  Kidding - it's always time for a treat.

"Here's another pose, Pops"... 

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Say, "Bye-bye"...


No, we aren't going anywhere.  That was from one of our local weather weasels, speaking about the sunshine.  Another norther blew in overnight; no rain, but lower temperature thanks to the cold north wind.

I didn't go for a bicycle or motorcycle ride this morning.  I did put a jacket on over my hoodie, and went for a walk.  The wind was gusting between 25 and 30.  I didn't take Rufus for a walk, either, since the furry boy doesn't like wind... especially if it is blowing up his hind end.

And no sunshine.  None expected for the next week.  Rain.  Highs in the 60s (it would typically be in the upper 70s to low 80s this time of year.  Well, until a norther blows in.  And then another one behind that before this one gets a chance to move out...

So, bye-bye sunshine.

Rufus was getting a bit of cabin fever by early afternoon.  I did take him out for a short walk.  We came around the side of the house where you could feel that north wind.. "That's enough, Pops - time to go back inside."  I felt the same.


It's contagious.  Covid?  Well, yeah, but... damn, not what I was talking about.  Rufus isn't the only one with cabin fever.  I did get out to pick up a pizza from our favorite Italian place.  In the car.  It was blowing hard enough that traffic was slowed down over the causeway.

The Noon News weasel predicted that the wind "might fall below 20mph at the coast for a time this afternoon.  The temp was still 60º, but I had a reason to get out... besides the fact I could hear my motorcycle calling my name.  "A reason?" you ask.  Yeah, when I picked up the pizza, the bill was just under $25.  I gave the guy 2 $20s... I told him: "Give me back a ten, you keep the rest."  He had to leave the till to get change, came back and handed me two bills with a $5 on top.  I assumed it was 2 fives.  When I got home, I realized it was a five on top and a ten underneath it.  He didn't get his tip.

I felt bad, and rode my bike back across the causeway to give him the $5 and thank him again for the great pizza.  With the weather, it had been a slow day, he thanked me and said, "Next time you come back in, ask for me and I'll be sure you get really good service."

"We always get good service here.  Thanks again."  And back out on my bike.  There was even 20 seconds of a sun break (Pacific Northwest reference) on my way back across the causeway.

And, I could breathe better after twisting the throttle on the bike.  It may be a while before I get this again, if the weasels are right about the forecast.

Monday, November 14, 2022



It's a good word.  It has several different feelings; my favorite is: guttural and uncontrollable, an innate cue that you're feeling an extreme emotion.  Like: "butterflies in your stomach" or "feelings that you find difficult to control or ignore."

I've talked about that "tingle in the belly" that I feel when we're coming back home after being gone for a while; or getting to an anticipated destination.  It's my inner self telling me something good (or bad) is about to happen.

It's also a word I've used to describe what riding a motorcycle or scooter feels like.  It isn't always easy to describe: wind in your hair (not so much with a helmet), knees in the breeze, leaning into a tight corner, accelerating out of a curve.

I've heard other riders describe it as "being one with the bike - the shifting, the clutching, the acceleration..."  I certainly get all of that.

This will probably sound silly to someone with a rip-snorting bike, with a loud exhaust, and hopped-up performance... but, I've had that feeling on every bike I've owned.  Yes, including the Honda PCX scooters we had.  It was those scooters that renewed my riding pleasure... I really was about ready to be done riding before we got those.  I've said it before, but those first scoots were Joan's idea.  I often think she knows me better than I know myself.  I thought I would be embarrassed riding a scooter, but they turned out to be a ton of fun.  And we even came to appreciate "taking the back roads" and staying off the highway as much as possible with them.

I had motorcycle friends ask, "Don't you miss shifting - that feel of controlling the bike?"  No, I didn't miss that at all.  And my deteriorating hip was real happy to not have to mess with that.  After getting the hip replacement, my sailing buddy Steve suggested I take out his wife's 500cc motorcycle.  It was the first time I threw "a leg over" a bike since we bought the scoots.  Yes, the muscle memory brought back the clutch and shift lever control without a thought.  But, it didn't add to the ride.  I was happy to get back on my Vespa and "twist and go."

A couple years and a couple bikes have passed.  A day without riding feels like something is missing.  I wondered how I'd feel about making that move from a Vespa to the Honda CTX 9 months ago.  It has been a good transition.  The CTX is a marvel of Honda engineering, with the dual clutch transmission.  You can drive it like a "twist & go," or you can shift manually with paddle shifters.  It really was a good transition after 9 years (really - it was that long??) with the PCX and a couple Vespas.

I rode Joan's Xmax last week - it's a great scooter; peppy and easy to "flick around."  Comfortable, too.  And practical with the big underseat storage and great gas mileage.  But after 9 months with the CTX, I found myself waiting "for the shift."  That visceral feeling as you anticipate the shift up to the next gear.  A bit stronger and deeper exhaust note.  Yes, I am perfectly fine without a clutch lever and a shift lever... but I do appreciate the feeling I get with that dual clutch transmission with the CTX.  Instead of the smooth CVT transmission of the scooter, there are still gears that are engaged/disengaged - you feel the upshift and downshift with the CTX.  As you come up to a stoplight, you feel the bike downshift, unlike the automatic transmission in your car.  Except, you don't have to pull in a clutch lever or click down through a shift lever as you come to a stop.  And pulling away from the stop is always smooth; it can be docile or strong, depending on the drive mode you choose.

Viceral.  It's a good word.


Feel the Rumble...

Speaking of visceral: While Joan was at the store today, I felt and heard a rumble.  A RUMBLE!  It lasted about 10 seconds.  I had to look it up: yep, SpaceX did a test static firing of their Booster 7... 14 Raptor Engines.  Static tests are not uncommon, but it has been a while since I heard or felt one...

We are about 5 miles as the crow flies from StarBase.  We can't see it from our house because there are other houses in the way.  When I ride my bicycle or go for a walk, I can see the StarBase from the end of the block.  When there is a test launch or test static fire, you know it.

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Thar she blows!


No, I didn't see a whale today.  A norther blew in overnight.  Cold.  Wind.  Rain.  The rain let up by morning, but the cold and wind stayed.  I skipped my morning bicycle and motorcycle routine.  Yes, that makes me cranky.  (Insert your own cranky joke here)

On the bright side, with the high today in the 50s, the air conditioner didn't have to run.  But, we did turn on the fireplace; only had the heat on with that for a short time, then left the flames going for the ambiance.  Hey, it is November.  But, you knew that.

Baby, it's cold outside.  ;-)



Me?  No, when I say stuff out loud, it is with intent.  We do have Tourettes in our house, though.  It is Alexa - that voice in a box that turns on and off lights and answers questions.  Since we've been home, she occasionally runs on at the mouth.  I think she was lonely while we were gone.  On occasion, with no one talking to her, she will spout off about something.  Technology is great.


Friday, November 11, 2022

A few seconds of sunset...


In case you could use some peace...

 Feel free to replay it as necessary.

The Premier...


I don't have a red carpet, but here is the "world premier" of the video Mark and I started several months ago...

 It started with Mark sending me some music tracks, I added drums, guitar, and background vocals; this one features Mark on lead vocal.  Sent the tracks back to him, where he did the music production.  I worked up a story board for the video, and sent a list of shots to Mark, where his better half did the videography.  Joan did the video shooting for my parts, and I started the long video editing process.  It's a true long-distance collaboration.

Hope you enjoy our efforts and feel free to share.


If you want to keep track of "the count," here's the link to that video on our "2 Mediocre Musicians" YouTube channel (yes, it's the same video)...


Thursday, November 10, 2022

I'm sorry for those things I said...


... when you had me wrapped up in a towel, like a burrito.

No, Joan did not have me wrapped up in a towel, like a burrito.  Rufus needed to have his nails clipped this morning.  None of our cats have been particularly happy about getting nails clipped, but Rufus is stronger... like a cat version of the Hulk.  Except he doesn't turn green.  But he can belt out a growl and flex like the Hulk, and it gives you second thoughts about holding him.

We have a process with this: I do the holding, Joan does the clipping.  Often, she plies him with food and will clip his back nails while he's eating.  But, today, Joan decided we'd do the "cat burrito" technique again.  You (well, I) can feel the power in this boy when he's all wrapped up.  I did my best to hold him and keep him from scratching either of us.  There was some howling and hissing... and Rufus wasn't happy, either.

Pretty sure he was "cat swearing" at us.

I don't know what the fuss is all about.  Trimming his nails is not hurting him in any way... but if you give him the opportunity, he will "take a swipe at you" when he feels he's had enough.  Pretty sure it is a situational thing, because when Dr Julie (his vet) still lived here, she would routinely clip his nails while giving him an exam... and he never made a fuss.

But, we made it through it relatively unscathed.  Well, Joan was minorly scathed; one small scratch.  If you were outside listening, you'd think Rufus was majorly impacted by this procedure.  The boy wears a pleasant expression on that handsome face most of the time, but he can get a bit of a scowl that can be intimidating.

But, he's a good boy...


Before the nail session, there was music...

He likes the music.  

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Have I ever mentioned...


... the roads here are REALLY flat.  And straight.  But, it is still riding, and that is better than not riding.

Out on the CTX today; warm, humid, and breezy..


Here's a YouTube "Shorts" on today's ride...

 Yeah.  Flat.  Straight.  Riding.  And home in time to feed Rufus lunch.

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Brings Out the Crazies...


A full moon on Election Day?  What could possibly go wrong with that?

Getting the full moon images I took last night off the camera was a group effort.  Still can't find my USB-C carder reader... I mentioned to Joan that I have an attachment that will allow me to connect the SD card to my iPad... she asked, "Can you just download it to the iPad and then Airdrop it to your computer?"

Damn, she is the pretty one and the smart one!  I don't know where that leaves me, but I did connect the SD card to my iPhone, imported the images, then Airdropped them to my MacBook Pro.  So, here's proof that I captured an image of the full moon last night...

I was awake early, so I went outside to see that last bit of the lunar eclipse.  I didn't photograph it, but stood there in the humid air, taking in the sight.  That was about 5:00 am, and not a sound.  Nice.

It's About Time...


"New watch?  Or are you referring to Election Day?" you ask.  Thanks for asking.  Neither, although I will be relieved to have those political ads on my TV and in my mailbox done.  Well, for a while... you know there are some of those weasels waiting for this election to be done so they can start raising money and campaigning for the 2024 elections.

But, I digress.  After 3 days of not getting a motorcycle ride in, I was able to get out yesterday and today... and it felt good.  This morning, I took Joan's Xmax...

I've had the CTX for about 9 months now... you notice the differences between the bikes.  I have been known to say that the CTX is like a big scooter thanks to the Dual Clutch Transmission.  I may have to amend that... they are both "twist & go," but I felt myself anticipating an upshift; that doesn't happen with the CVT (Continuously Variable Transmission) on the Xmas.  Both feel sporty, but the Xmax is definitely more "flickable."  I appreciate the bigger fairing and windshield on the CTX.  At a stop, I am flat-footed with the CTX; on the balls of my feet on the Xmax.  The CTX feels like it carries its weight lower, and you notice the extra 100 pounds.  Both are an enjoyable ride.

The real time eater the last week or so has been working on the latest music video that Mark and I did.  A labor of love (of sorts), as I am looking forward to getting this video out there.  I usually do the lead vocals, and this one features Mark.  He always writes clever lyrics and this soon-to-be-released video will show that off.  I'm still working on this one, but it should be ready to show by this weekend.  Soon.

Monday, November 7, 2022

The Change-Over...


"Are you still talking about Daylight Saving Time, Jim?"  No, but thanks for asking.

Our small town city crew hangs decorations for Halloween... outlines of lighted ghosts, pumpkins, bats.  They leave them up for a couple days after Halloween, because: Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead).  I guess someone determined that it would be a time saver (nothing to do with "daylight") to put up the Christmas decorations when then take down the Halloween stuff.

Riding my motorcycle this morning, it was already 80º with a warm, humid breeze.  Seems a bit warmish to be thinking about Christmas... even though Walmart put some Christmas stuff out in early October.  Don't get me wrong - I like to decorate for Christmas.  At an appropriate time.  Like: getting Thanksgiving out of the way first.  I guess I am traditional that way.

But, today is November 7th.  Time to start planning my wardrobe for St Patrick's Day.  ;-)  Kidding, of course.  I like to refer today as Election Day Eve... or: Damn, They All Suck Day.


A full moon (Beaver Moon, Frost Moon, and a few other "winter is coming" names) tonight; well, at 2:00 am tomorrow morning.  We did get a break in the clouds and I got out a camera to get the shot.  It looks decent on the screen on the back of the camera, but I can't find the card reader (can't remember the last time I used it) to put a standard SD card into the USB-C connection on my MacBook Pro.  Technology.  I use my phone for most photos these days, but it wouldn't be good for the manual exposure I need to get detail in the moon.  So, no photo to post.

For those who may not be able to sleep tonight: there will be a lunar eclipse happening around 4:00 am (+/-).  I'm guessing I will sleep through that.  But, if I find I am awake, I'll step outside to see the event... if the clouds allow it.


Sunday, November 6, 2022

Did you "fall back"?


Count me in as one of the many who thinks the switch to Daylight Saving Time is worthless effort.  My preference: leave the US permanently on DST - there is no "gaining or losing" an hour: the day still has the same 24 hours as the day before.  It's just lighter earlier... and darker earlier... according to the clock.

Enough of that.

I got more video clips from Mark and Cindy on Friday night and Saturday afternoon.  I have been working on this latest music video for the better part of a week now.  Not like an 8 hour a day job, but putting in the hours when I get more video clips... editing, cutting, cropping, adjusting the spacing... quick cuts, longer clips, fitting in the video to match the music.  It all takes time, but I am at the point where I have the time, and I enjoy the challenge of the project.

I try to "story-board" the project, so I have some idea of what I need for the various video clips as we start.  Sometimes I find I need to get a couple more clips to fit the flow; then it is a matter of, on this particular video, describing to Mark what the shot should be, then he and Cindy making the time to get the shotsc.  Uploading for them, downloading for me, then starting over with the viewing, cutting, and editing.

As we get close with this music video, there will be plenty of hours invested in this 5 minute finished product.  Mark wrote the music, laid down various tracks, told me what I could add, sending my music tracks to him, then he did the music production.  He sends me a finished music track, we discuss the plan for a video, then all of the above.

It's getting close.  Fortunately, I have my "best boy" Rufus by my side, helping...

Friday, November 4, 2022

Pardon me, Roy...


Is that the cat that chewed your new shoes?  If you said, "Chattanooga Choo-Choo," that is what I was going for, and you get 25 bonus points.  No, it isn't the right words to the song, but that's why it's funny.  If you asked, "Does Rufus chew?"  No.  Because he's a good boy.

Nobody chewed any shoes.  But, Joan got a new pair of Converse Shoes that she designed and ordered.  It's a feature they offer, and it's likely no one else in the world has a pair just like them...

 We were shopping today - one of the staff in that store said to Joan, "Those are the cutest shoes!"  So, of course, Joan had to point out some of the "custom features.  When we went into a restaurant for lunch, the waiter told Joan, "Those are great look shoes!"

And me?  I'm wearing my old-guy OrthoFeet shoes.  Only another old guy would comment on them.

Yes, Joan's shoes are very cute.

This morning, she asked if I "woke up grumpy" today.  No doubt she read yesterday's post, but I was aching from wiring the lights on top of the cabinets yesterday.  It's hell getting old.  On the bright side, we did pretty good with the adjustable bed base last night.  And Joan wasn't feeling any ill effects from getting up on the ladder to position the lights last night...

I got over being grumpy, because I was assured that there would be "no more projects."  I am not sure... it seems there are always projects.  On the bright side: airplanes can now land in our kitchen thanks to these new lights.


A pretty sky this evening while I was out for a walk.  By the time I got back to check the view from our deck, the sun was already below the horizon.  A layer of clouds lit from below...

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Did you wake up grouchy this morning?


No, I let her sleep in.


It's an old joke; I'm an old guy.  And I can hear my sweet daughter say, "OMG, Dad - why would you say that??"  It's a joke.  Humor.  And, it gets me into this post.

I did wake up a bit grouchy this morning.  We are getting used to the new adjustable platform for our bed, and the position we set for sleeping last night is what I would kindly call "hammock."  It would probably be fine if you were a back sleeper; since the new hip, I am a side sleeper.  So, imagine your hips and ass sagging below your feet and shoulders.  Like a loosely folded taco.  On your side.

To be fair, when she got up, Joan agreed with me that this particular bed position is a no-go for both of us.  I was trying to be a gentleman while aching during the night, and not running the adjustment mechanism.  Next time, I will give her a nudge and say, "Hang on, Baby - the bed's gonna be moving!"  Pretty sure I said that same thing when we were newlyweds.  TMI?  Just something else to make Steph say, "OMG, Dad..."

After getting Rufus fed, I did my morning routine, including taking my blood pressure and taking the pills that control that.  Checking my blood sugar is a new part of that routine, and the one pill from the prescription I finally got yesterday, knocked that number down significantly.  So, it's working.

Shortly after that, I got a call from a medical place out east.  Well, I didn't know it was a medical place, didn't recognize the number, so I let it go to voice mail.  They didn't leave a message.  About a minute later, another call from the same number, and this time they did leave a garbled message.  And then a text.  They mentioned this new doctor by name, so I returned the call.  He wants info from me so he can give me the instructions for a sleep apnea test.  I told him "No."  He was very insistant, saying the doctor ordered it, and my insurance would "pay for it 100% - it's free."

"No, it isn't free.  Someone is paying for it.  I will not be doing this."

He said, "This costs you nothing and will find out why you are snoring."

I asked Joan, "Do I snore?"

She said, "Almost never.  Maybe after you've had a particularly tiring day."

I said, "Didja hear that?  Do you want to argue with my wife?  'Cause I sure don't.  Keep  your test."

He said, "Your doctor ordered this - and it costs you nothing."

"My Medicare isn't making a payment on your Mercedes.  Keep your test - don't call me back."

Dumbass.  Him and the "new doctor" this practice assigned me.  I'll be looking around.

This makes me grouchy.

A bicycle ride and a motorcycle ride brightened my day.  On the motorcycle ride, I stopped at Ace Hardware to pick up the stuff I needed to wire an outlet for Joan, for some new lights on the top of our kitchen cabinets.  The wire from the circuit was already there (we removed the old lights that were hard-wired in, in anticipation of these new lights arriving).  Apparently, the guy that built our house thought we were going to put an arc welder up there - heavy gauge wiring.  It was a pain to stand on the kitchen counter and wrestle with that wiring up there.  Literally, a pain: achy hands and back.  That didn't make me grouchy because it was a task my Honey asked me to do.  I was happy to do it.  She told me to say that.

Yes, another joke.  Really.  I'm a joker.  Nothing that a few ibuprofen won't take care of.  Double negative.  Kinda like my grouchy day.  Kidding again.  I am Mr Happy-Freakin'-Go-Lucky.

Like a flash...


You bought a red onesie with a lightning bolt on it at an after Halloween sale?

 No, but thanks for asking.

When we were in Harlingen yesterday, we stopped at the Spectrum Store and swapped out our "ancient" (the Spectrum guy's description) modem/router for the latest in their internet equipment (separate modem and router).

With everything connected, we are now getting over 300mbps, where it was 30 to 70mbps with the old stuff.  That is significant.

The Spectrum guy saw Joan's iPhone and gave us his pitch for their cell service.  It is appealing: Spectrum uses Verizon's cell towers (and Verizon uses Spectrum's fiber optic lines), so the service is supposed to be the same as Verizon.  For half the price.  It is hard to compare directly because their feature set are not the same - some differences in their "unlimited" data, which is a big deal for us, because we use my cell phone as our hot spot when we are away from home.  And we eat through a lot of data when we're out in the motorhome.  I am "grandfathered" in with real unlimited data since we've been with Verizon since the olden days when we used to use a PCMCIA card in the laptop when traveling.  Back then, you couldn't use 3gb in a month, even if you were online all the time.  Now, we can blow through that in an hour or two.

So, if any of you readers out there are using Spectrum for your phone service - what is your experience?