Thursday, November 3, 2022

Like a flash...


You bought a red onesie with a lightning bolt on it at an after Halloween sale?

 No, but thanks for asking.

When we were in Harlingen yesterday, we stopped at the Spectrum Store and swapped out our "ancient" (the Spectrum guy's description) modem/router for the latest in their internet equipment (separate modem and router).

With everything connected, we are now getting over 300mbps, where it was 30 to 70mbps with the old stuff.  That is significant.

The Spectrum guy saw Joan's iPhone and gave us his pitch for their cell service.  It is appealing: Spectrum uses Verizon's cell towers (and Verizon uses Spectrum's fiber optic lines), so the service is supposed to be the same as Verizon.  For half the price.  It is hard to compare directly because their feature set are not the same - some differences in their "unlimited" data, which is a big deal for us, because we use my cell phone as our hot spot when we are away from home.  And we eat through a lot of data when we're out in the motorhome.  I am "grandfathered" in with real unlimited data since we've been with Verizon since the olden days when we used to use a PCMCIA card in the laptop when traveling.  Back then, you couldn't use 3gb in a month, even if you were online all the time.  Now, we can blow through that in an hour or two.

So, if any of you readers out there are using Spectrum for your phone service - what is your experience?


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