Thursday, November 3, 2022

Did you wake up grouchy this morning?


No, I let her sleep in.


It's an old joke; I'm an old guy.  And I can hear my sweet daughter say, "OMG, Dad - why would you say that??"  It's a joke.  Humor.  And, it gets me into this post.

I did wake up a bit grouchy this morning.  We are getting used to the new adjustable platform for our bed, and the position we set for sleeping last night is what I would kindly call "hammock."  It would probably be fine if you were a back sleeper; since the new hip, I am a side sleeper.  So, imagine your hips and ass sagging below your feet and shoulders.  Like a loosely folded taco.  On your side.

To be fair, when she got up, Joan agreed with me that this particular bed position is a no-go for both of us.  I was trying to be a gentleman while aching during the night, and not running the adjustment mechanism.  Next time, I will give her a nudge and say, "Hang on, Baby - the bed's gonna be moving!"  Pretty sure I said that same thing when we were newlyweds.  TMI?  Just something else to make Steph say, "OMG, Dad..."

After getting Rufus fed, I did my morning routine, including taking my blood pressure and taking the pills that control that.  Checking my blood sugar is a new part of that routine, and the one pill from the prescription I finally got yesterday, knocked that number down significantly.  So, it's working.

Shortly after that, I got a call from a medical place out east.  Well, I didn't know it was a medical place, didn't recognize the number, so I let it go to voice mail.  They didn't leave a message.  About a minute later, another call from the same number, and this time they did leave a garbled message.  And then a text.  They mentioned this new doctor by name, so I returned the call.  He wants info from me so he can give me the instructions for a sleep apnea test.  I told him "No."  He was very insistant, saying the doctor ordered it, and my insurance would "pay for it 100% - it's free."

"No, it isn't free.  Someone is paying for it.  I will not be doing this."

He said, "This costs you nothing and will find out why you are snoring."

I asked Joan, "Do I snore?"

She said, "Almost never.  Maybe after you've had a particularly tiring day."

I said, "Didja hear that?  Do you want to argue with my wife?  'Cause I sure don't.  Keep  your test."

He said, "Your doctor ordered this - and it costs you nothing."

"My Medicare isn't making a payment on your Mercedes.  Keep your test - don't call me back."

Dumbass.  Him and the "new doctor" this practice assigned me.  I'll be looking around.

This makes me grouchy.

A bicycle ride and a motorcycle ride brightened my day.  On the motorcycle ride, I stopped at Ace Hardware to pick up the stuff I needed to wire an outlet for Joan, for some new lights on the top of our kitchen cabinets.  The wire from the circuit was already there (we removed the old lights that were hard-wired in, in anticipation of these new lights arriving).  Apparently, the guy that built our house thought we were going to put an arc welder up there - heavy gauge wiring.  It was a pain to stand on the kitchen counter and wrestle with that wiring up there.  Literally, a pain: achy hands and back.  That didn't make me grouchy because it was a task my Honey asked me to do.  I was happy to do it.  She told me to say that.

Yes, another joke.  Really.  I'm a joker.  Nothing that a few ibuprofen won't take care of.  Double negative.  Kinda like my grouchy day.  Kidding again.  I am Mr Happy-Freakin'-Go-Lucky.

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